Group 7-day waking average?

Morning guys 🙂 woke up early in agony! Top of my ear had folded over and god knows how long I'd been sleeping on it like that but I suspect from the pain it was quite a while! Lol anyway 4.6 today and looking beautiful outside today, have a lovely day peeps 🙂 x
Morning all, hope you all had a good weekend. Its a 7.1 for me today.
Good morning everyone 10.8 but it was 7.0 at 3am so wasn't high all night. My seven day average on my Libre is 7.5 which is my best ever. Trying to keep myself occupied by focusing on my levels but definitely drinking too much wine at the moment :(
Morning folks. 5.5 meter and 4.8 libre with a lovely straight line from 11pm last night.
Good morning everyone 10.8 but it was 7.0 at 3am so wasn't high all night. My seven day average on my Libre is 7.5 which is my best ever. Trying to keep myself occupied by focusing on my levels but definitely drinking too much wine at the moment :(
Well done for getting best levels ever, sending hugs and hope you have good numbers today.
It is a bit worrying when you see things like that, hopefully you weren't actually that low! 😱
According to my check with the meter this morning it may not have been much out :(
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Morning all. 6.8 for me today. Quite pleased with that, could have been far worse. I'm relying on Paul McKenna to save me. I mean really. I've watched the DVD, nearly finished the book and I'm about to start listening to the CD on my Walkman when I walk to the shops. I have great faith in that man! He has compelling eyes.

LOL at a folded ear. Sounds painful. :D
Good morning all, first post in this section and a nice low start of 4.4 this morning but if it follows my usual trend it will be in double figures after 2 slices of wholemeal toast with Bovril :(
Have scrambled eggs instead! That's a very high jump and can't be good. Pot/kettle comes to mind though. :D
Morning all, a 5.6 for me today.

So yesterday we went to a French bistro for a friend's birthday, where I had a starter of mushrooms in garlic butter with a lovely cheesy melt (though no breadcrumbs as per the menu - odd); followed by a grilled salmon & veggies salad with olives & toasted walnut bread; and a creme caramel dessert - all very nice indeed. Result: before meal 5.3; two hours later 8.6, which I thought pretty good (and I discreetly tested at the table. Nobody noticed...). Though I'm starting to be too old for copious amounts of red wine at lunchtime ... 😱
Morning...busy day the thick of much to do...early night...very early start...woke to a 5.9
Good morning folks. Hope you all have a good day.

No idea why but am Having a a bit of a rough time BG wise. Been battling lows since yesterday afternoon. Currently 3.8 meter 3.4 libre. Lowest was 2.2 on meter 😡
Those two humps you can see are when my thickly laced jam sarnies kicked in. The other stuff I had didn't cut the mustard.

Good morning folks. Hope you all have a good day.

No idea why but am Having a a bit of a rough time BG wise. Been battling lows since yesterday afternoon. Currently 3.8 meter 3.4 libre. Lowest was 2.2 on meter 😡
Those two humps you can see are when my thickly laced jam sarnies kicked in. The other stuff I had didn't cut the mustard.

Looks like you need to lower that insulatard Lin 😱

Good morning 🙂 6.5 for me today 🙂 2 hours to sensor activation!
Hi again, yesterday wasn't as bad as I estimated after brekkie only rose to 9.1 🙂 Woke this morning to 6.2. I have tried lots of different bread from white through to burgen and tbh the difference in the jump is minimal so I guess bread isn't my friend. Main problem is I am still a tad foggy in the head after night meds and in pain from lying in bed and needing morning meds so faffing in the kitchen is a nono :( I shall suss something though.
Have a happy day everyone :D
Morning folks.🙂 4.7 here.😛

We have Internet, yay! I wasn't sure we'd be able to get it here in the sticks, but the nice installer-blokey assured me we've got 1 bar of 4G...who cares, as long as it works!🙄
Good morning folks. Hope you all have a good day.

No idea why but am Having a a bit of a rough time BG wise. Been battling lows since yesterday afternoon. Currently 3.8 meter 3.4 libre. Lowest was 2.2 on meter 😡
Those two humps you can see are when my thickly laced jam sarnies kicked in. The other stuff I had didn't cut the mustard.

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B***r that Lin...sounds like a rough night...hope you have a better day today...and those levels start behaving themselves soon.