Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks. I hope you're all having a good weekend.
I was up long before the larks this morning it was still pitch black out 😱. Anyway it's been a productive morning. After an early brekkie I Sorted both our pills out for the week, cleaned kitchen, got the little hoover (as it's a quiet one) out for its exersize. Am now sitting here contemplating making myself another coffee and perhaps keeping my bed company for an hour or two
Oops nearly forgot what i came here for. 5.1
Morning all, a 6.7 for me. I'm off to take part in the 10k London Poppy walk today.
Morning all, a 6.7 for me. I'm off to take part in the 10k London Poppy walk today.
Good luck and most importantly take care ok.
Morning all. 6 on the dot when I woke. 6.4 at bed time with a level graph over night. 5.8 an hour after waking before breakfast. Looks like this sensor has done its job and night time basal sorted for now.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning! A not too shabby 5.4 for me.
Morning lovelies 🙂 like @Greyhound Gal went to bed on a 6.2 but woke to a 4.3 due to my walking etc yesterday, hope everyone has a fab day! :D x
The morning after was it...any sign of a hangover this morning (me being diplomatic):D.
I didn't touch a drop and haven't for months 🙂, was a good day apart from the woman shoving into me a million times! might be a different story for the OH he text my mum to say he'd be a bit late after tea and haven't seen or heard from him since so no sympathy from me! Pretty angry though as he said he'd be back, that's the last time I trust a word he says! even more angry at the fact that's his food wasted, my favourite smoked basa fillets that could have been popped in the freezer, ah well never mind haha x
Morning everyone, 7.2 here, after a lie in but I was 5.9 at 5.30am ( when I was hopping round the room to try and get rid of the cramp in my left foot, it happened three times overall during the night. That'll teach me to go for a long walk and not drink enough water before having a couple of glasses of wine with my evening meal)
5.3 for me this morning
Odd for me. Woke up on a 7.1, had breakfast, a bacon and egg sandwich and cuppa tea, then later, a coffee with dash of milk. 2.5 hrs later I'm a 4.6! Don't ever remember hitting 4.6 before.

Strange mind of its own this D lark! 🙄
Good afternoon peeps on this HOT day - 35°C in my garden😱 toooooo hot for me!
Awoke to a 7.3 Codefree - and 6.1 Contour - go figure this!
Sorry if I'm posting this late but good luck Stitch - take care of that knee of yours x
On my way home now. Will post an update in sport section with pics later. Knee is all good now. I was more worried about my levels going low. I got down to 4.8 at one point so just had a couple of fruit pastilles to keep me going to the end.
Monday morning already...another lie in until 05:45...getting spoilt...woke to a 5.4