Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 3.2 today and a change of basal ratios in my future tonight!

Happy Monday all
Oh no not again, hope you've got them up now x
Morning all, a 9.4 for me today. We're going to look at our new office complex later today. Its good as its less travel distance for me but bad as I will miss my 35 minute walk to the office. But we are moving to a brand new office being built at Stratford, right next to Westfield shopping centre and the Olympic park.
Hope you don't spend all your lunch breaks in the shopping centre.
Morning all, a 9.4 for me today. We're going to look at our new office complex later today. Its good as its less travel distance for me but bad as I will miss my 35 minute walk to the office. But we are moving to a brand new office being built at Stratford, right next to Westfield shopping centre and the Olympic park.

Oh being next to a shopping centre would prove expensive for me Stitch but sounds very plush! 🙂

I used to have a very long walk to work in all weathers and although I hated it, it was amazing for fitness and getting the heart pumping!
Oh being next to a shopping centre would prove expensive for me Stitch but sounds very plush! 🙂

I used to have a very long walk to work in all weathers and although I hated it, it was amazing for fitness and getting the heart pumping!
I can get the train to work but enjoy the walk and do it because I enjoy it! I will miss it. I'll have to go for lunch time walks round the Olympic park.
Mornin' and it's a 6.6 @ 7.56 for me.
Morning...early to bed (well before midnight at least)...very early to rise (again)...numbers a tiny bit elevated recently (still in range)...back on the snack before bed routine...last night a few M & M's just before woke to a 5.4...go figure that one...I can'to_Oo_Oo_O.
Oh my, first off the blocks this morning.

4.6 today, which considering a late evening meal of pasta............

Go figure
Good morning from overcast E Kent. I had an early night too, went to bed at midnight and was most supprised wake up just after 6, that's grand for me.
Was 5.3 meter and 4.9 on Libre.
Morning another 7.0 for me this morning have a good day everyone.

M&Ms Bubbsie what happened to the kit kats lol great result though. 🙂
Good question Barbara...ran out of KitKats...had to revert to the M & M's...could just be a fluke...but...will be trying it again tonight...if it keeps working...may have to stock up😉😉😉...all about experimenting!...still good consistent numbers from for more coffee...just heard a news beneficial for longevity?
Good morning from overcast E Kent. I had an early night too, went to bed at midnight and was most supprised wake up just after 6, that's grand for me.
Was 5.3 meter and 4.9 on Libre.
Great sleep...good numbers Lin...rarely tend to sleep beyond 5am nowadays...sometimes no matter how late I go to bed!...seems as I age...the less I sleep!...or the less sleep I need.