Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 wow that's wonderful Stitch - so very pleased for you - feel good factor eh? x
Definitely, just have to get waking ones below 8 now!
Definitely, just have to get waking ones below 8 now!
Do you test your waking bgl BEFORE you get out of bed? I learned early on to do this & my numbers were lower than when I tested AFTER I got out of bed. Just thought I'd mention this x
Do you test your waking bgl BEFORE you get out of bed? I learned early on to do this & my numbers were lower than when I tested AFTER I got out of bed. Just thought I'd mention this x
Yep and I use the libre on occasion and get similar results.
Yep and I use the libre on occasion and get similar results.
That's good to hear - sounds like you have everything under control - I expect your level of anxiety has decreased too x
Lorraine you are so clever :D I bet you thought you'd never see the day of single numbers - as a matter of interest are you testing your waking before you get out of bed? Take care x
I had started to think that my numbers were never going to come down and I was heading towards insulin, I am testing before I even swing my legs off of the side of the bed now, the same with my bathroom break one between 4 & 5.
Morning all, a 9.6 for me on this miserable morning.

They are coming down Stitch, I feel your pain in wanting them to come down quicker than they are, you will get there.
They are coming down Stitch, I feel your pain in wanting them to come down quicker than they are, you will get there.
Thanks @Grannylorraine . I see you are having some improvements too. Definitely in it for the long haul.
I had started to think that my numbers were never going to come down and I was heading towards insulin, I am testing before I even swing my legs off of the side of the bed now, the same with my bathroom break one between 4 & 5.
Thats excellent Lorraine - so pleased for you - carry on the way you are and you'll be having lower bgls than me and some of the others! That goes for @Stitch too, well done both of you x
I forgot when I got up, was too busy watching Dr Who in Mum's recliner and chillin' but when I remembered at 7.50am I was 7.2. 🙂 Bit of a high start considering I was gonna have porridge as an experiment. 🙄
Morning...up at 5am again...rarely get past that time that will settle after more coffee...yesterday BG went to 8.8...high for me...after a walk late afternoon down to 4.4...stayed low in the fours for the rest of the evening (for me)...woke to a 5.1 today...go figure those numbers:confused::confused::confused:.
Good morning all 🙂 and a rotten 7.6 today after working til 4am. My injected thumb disturbed sleep as has become more painful past few days. Maybe too much clapping at ELO concert!
Linda...I often find working late...or overnight always sends my levels for the thumb...ouch...sometimes these things have to get worse before they get better...hope that thumb settles...and you get some decent sleep/rest.
Morning it's a 7.0 for me today. Have a good day everyone, it's finally stopped raining for now expecting some more but looking a bit better for the weekend got my fingers crossed have my daughter and grandchildren coming up 🙂

Bubbsie 4's , wow low numbers no kit Kat last night lol 🙂
Morning it's a 7.0 for me today. Have a good day everyone, it's finally stopped raining for now expecting some more but looking a bit better for the weekend got my fingers crossed have my daughter and grandchildren coming up 🙂

Bubbsie 4's , wow low numbers no kit Kat last night lol 🙂
Stopped raining here Barbara...although we needed looking fresh...feels better...cooler...enjoy your weekend with your grand children...have the girls here the first week in August...for a whole week...looking forward to idea what was happening yesterday...but...back to walking...hadn't done any for a while...poor old joints aching...more today definitely.
Morning all 5.9 for despite a KFC tea on the way back from the old blind cat's final visit to the vet. Strange not having her skriking for her breakfast.
Have a good day.
Morning it's a 7.0 for me today. Have a good day everyone, it's finally stopped raining for now expecting some more but looking a bit better for the weekend got my fingers crossed have my daughter and grandchildren coming up 🙂

Bubbsie 4's , wow low numbers no kit Kat last night lol 🙂
Consistent levels Barbara...not entirely given up the KikKat...was hoping not to mention it...but...had a small one last night just before bed...wouldn't recommend anyone follow that example...however...seems to work for me (so far).
Morning all 5.9 for despite a KFC tea on the way back from the old blind cat's final visit to the vet. Strange not having her skriking for her breakfast.
Have a good day.
Ooh...Khskel made me tear up...poor old of the responsibilities of having pets I dread...:(.
Good morning everyone . 6.1 on meter and 6.7 on Libre with a nice even line overnight 🙂 , I'm loving this sensor.
@Bubbsie , I hope you're not going down with something and feel better soon.
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