Group 7-day waking average?

Morning gang 🙂, 4.9 here after not a lot of sleep 🙄
Hope all goes well with your appointments today @Bubbsie and @Flower
Good luck for tomorrow @khskel
Have a fab day everyone! x
Morning all, an annoying 10 for me this morning, had an extremely stressful afternoon at work yesterday following a run in with someone and I didn't sleep great last night because of it.
11.6 for me this morning, so going the wrong way again. Even with upping my metformin it just does not seem to go down first thing in the morning. I am now finding I have terrible anxiety attacks in the morning, feel sick, tearful and angry since upping my meds. I am wondering if I will ever get control of this D, have an appointment with Docs on Thursday to get my latest results have a feeling she will be changing my meds.
Good morning all 🙂 and looks like quite a few nerve wracking appts today. I'm thinking of you all and hope they bring some good results. Also hoping life's stresses lift a bit. 🙂
And it's a 7.2 for me.
Don't despair Lorraine, you'll get a handle on it before long. No snacking, eat three meals nicely spaced out, don't eat too late, low carb if possible, don't panic, you'll be fine with any luck. Hope the appt goes well.

Good morning peoples. 6.3 @ 7.28am. Higher really as this was with my sister's Contour. All the meters are being called back to the surgery and all the diabetic patients are getting the same meter, no idea which one, with free strips. Sister hardly ever takes her if at all so I'm using these up so they won't be wasted. I now prefer my Codefree though, it's amazing how you get used to something. I feel this Contour measures too low.

Yesterday (with Codefree) 6.7 @ 7.34am.
Sun 6.7 @ 4.13am (I keep waking too early)
Sat Too scared to measure.
Fri 6.7 @ 7.23am ....
Good Tuesday afternoon Peeps on this bright sunny day 🙂
Went to bed on a straight 7.0
Awoke to a fine & dandy 5.8 - much improved on yesterdays 8.5!
Take care folks & be kind to one another x
@khskel - that moviprep really is b****y awful stuff isn't it - i felt so hungry when I had mine so my daughter cooked Knorr chicken noodle soup then strained it - it filled a gap. Good luck x
@Flower - thinking of you today as I do every day and hoping it's good news. Sending love (((Hugs))) & positive vibes your way, take care now hun x
Morning all, an annoying 10 for me this morning, had an extremely stressful afternoon at work yesterday following a run in with someone and I didn't sleep great last night because of it.
Just a blip Stitch just a blip - work stress grrr😡 wishing you back in the single numbers tomorrow x
11.6 for me this morning, so going the wrong way again. Even with upping my metformin it just does not seem to go down first thing in the morning. I am now finding I have terrible anxiety attacks in the morning, feel sick, tearful and angry since upping my meds. I am wondering if I will ever get control of this D, have an appointment with Docs on Thursday to get my latest results have a feeling she will be changing my meds.
Well something needs to be changed Lorraine so let's hope your Thursday appointment is productive - maybe a modification re: your meds? Not surprised you're feeling anxious tho - hang on in there hun - no matter how long it takes you will eventually control your diabetes and see lower numbers on your meter. Good luck for Thursday & take care.
@Bubbsie - sharing the 5.8 bench with you today - and hope you left clinic jubilant. x
Oh dear WL...cancelled my appointment yesterday...saw a car that I was interested in...had to find a replacement...the courtesy car I had was driving me it...a test drive...bit of negotiating ....bought it...feeling more relaxed now have my own car...will make appointment for next week.
Morning...woke to the devastating news of the London tower block fire...hoping those people managed to get out 5.6 palls in the circumstances.
Morning...woke to the devastating news of the London tower block fire...hoping those people managed to get out 5.6 palls in the circumstances.
Just awful isn't it my OH grew up end of that road and has friends in that block just hoping all are saved
Just awful isn't it my OH grew up end of that road and has friends in that block just hoping all are saved
Just watching the news now Steff...the footage is terrifying...never seen anything like you just hoping people managed to escape.