Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning it's a 6.2 for me today. Have a good day everyone.

Good luck with looking for a new car Bubbsie.
Decided to abandon my car hunt yesterday...still shattered after a heavy week...stayed at home...pottered about the garden instead...good to be at home without the Sunday talk...will resume my search next week.
Fingers crossed my waking number keeps on coming down.
Heading in the right direction Stitch...good news...finally making real must be so relieved...good for you...been a real 'fight'...but...definitely on the right track.
Good morning. After a very restless night 7.2 .
I'm going to have a nice mug of coffee , read for a while then have another go at getting a bit of shut eye
Oh no...not again Lin...awful isn't it...I was up early this morning...but got some decent sleep last night...hope the coffee & book help you get some rest. idea where the last week has gone...seem to have been running at top speed (although not built for that anymore) for most of it...not been very disciplined this week...have got away with it so far...need to get back into my routine...woke to a 5.6 today...lucky or what?...relieved more like...has anyone seen Northerner?.
Good morning all and 6 for me after a long weekend away working in Ireland, no wifi so took a break from the world. Now leaving for work very early, will be 12 days in a row working. June is busy for me but all good.
I managed to have no highs or lows whilst away and since couldn't choose my food very happy about that.
Good morning all and 6 for me after a long weekend away working in Ireland, no wifi so took a break from the world. Now leaving for work very early, will be 12 days in a row working. June is busy for me but all good.
I managed to have no highs or lows whilst away and since couldn't choose my food very happy about that.
Good number this morning Jo...considering how much you've been away from home...12 days in a row...WOW...busy...but as you say all good (as someone who is also self employed)...surprising how you can keep your numbers down when out of your natural environment...same here...been eating prepared food for almost a week...surprised & relieved it hasn't done me too much back on my routine this week...don't work too hard (as if you have a choice!).😱😱😱.
Morning all, is it Monday already? What happened to the weekend?! Anyway, 8.3 for me today. Still steadily creeping down. idea where the last week has gone...seem to have been running at top speed (although not built for that anymore) for most of it...not been very disciplined this week...have got away with it so far...need to get back into my routine...woke to a 5.6 today...lucky or what?...relieved more like...has anyone seen Northerner?.
Morning @Bubbsie he is around I enquired about him in PM he stayed up most of the night on election night and sometimes has iffy connection to the site
Morning all. 8.1 for me.pleased with that. 3 weeks till holiday Yipeee
Morning @Bubbsie he is around I enquired about him in PM he stayed up most of the night on election night and sometimes has iffy connection to the site
Good to hear steff.
Morning @Bubbsie he is around I enquired about him in PM he stayed up most of the night on election night and sometimes has iffy connection to the site
Okay...thanks Steff...just haven't seen him for a while...although not been here much myself recently!
Morning all, is it Monday already? What happened to the weekend?! Anyway, 8.3 for me today. Still steadily creeping down.
Great results Stitch...yep...steady is the must be so pleased with those results...well idea what happened to the weekend...or the whole of last week.
Weekend for me went without a trace, can't believe it's Monday. Have a good week all
Morning all, is it Monday already? What happened to the weekend?! Anyway, 8.3 for me today. Still steadily creeping down.
Well done stitch
Morning lovelies 🙂 5.0 for me and looking like it's going to be a pleasant day outside 🙂 x