Group 7-day waking average?

7.0 for me this am
Now of to Glasgow for meet up. Oh and some shopping too just don't tell the hubby. Hehe
Good afternoon folks!
I awoke late to a 6.3 - dipping in and out of the 5's and 6's. Not been in the 4's for a while.
Take care everyone, enjoy your weekend.
7.0 for me this am
Now of to Glasgow for meet up. Oh and some shopping too just don't tell the hubby. Hehe
I'm telling no one else about my shopping, would want to blush!!!
Not a happy bunny this morning, made my version of KFC last night using coconut flour. Checked before was 4.8 then an hour later was 6.3 and two hours it was 4.9 and then just before bed it was 3.8. Get up this morning and it's 6.1 😡😡😡
Ooooooo dear A - you weren't expecting this number were you? Well if you don't experiment you won't know so what's on the try list for your next meal? Good luck x
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What is this verb 'to run' as I don't think I've ever used it...a fast crawl is the most I aspire to. :D

7.2 @ 8.49am had a lie in as got insomnia last night, bit of a fraught evening. Mum only wanted one number for a grand, then got home to find I'd mixed up my ebay parcels and everybody got the wrong thing. 😱 Stressed. Been having too many carbs for sure, my thinking isn't straight, I'm losing it. :(
Was your fast crawl in the pool Ditto? You've not mentioned you go swimming tho it is a good for reducing stress🙂 Here's your mate for losing it, happening far too often lately!😱x
Good morning everyone. 8.2 I over treated a 3.4 during the night.
Good morning everyone. 8.2 I over treated a 3.4 during the night.
An early start for you too Lin...hope those levels settle down soon...wide awake at 4am...given up on more sleep...5.9 on the search for a new car today...not looking forward to it.
An early start for you too Lin...hope those levels settle down soon...wide awake at 4am...given up on more sleep...5.9 on the search for a new car today...not looking forward to it.
Insomnia sucks. Good luck with your search for a new car.
Insomnia sucks. Good luck with your search for a new car.
Yep it does Lin...despite late nights...busy days...been up at 4/5am almost every day since the 'summer' started.
Yep it does Lin...despite late nights...busy days...been up at 4/5am almost every day since the 'summer' started.
Yuk. I looked forward to a late lie, but "ping" awake early. Might doze for a wee while. Washing on, dishwasher loaded so at least a good start. 9.6 for me but had toast and 2 biscuits when I came home, so no wonder. Hungry this morning, but will wait a bit for breakfast
An early start for you too Lin...hope those levels settle down soon...wide awake at 4am...given up on more sleep...5.9 on the search for a new car today...not looking forward to it.
Good luck with the car hunt
Good morning peeps 🙂 budge over please @Bubbsie 5.9 here too, good luck in finding a new car and have a fab day folks x
Of course there is @Robin 🙂 x
Morning all. Wait for it, wait for it...........

8.3 for me this morning. New meds seem to be doing the job finally. :D
Woohoo @Stitch147 go for it gal! :D super happy for you haha 🙂 x