Group 7-day waking average?

No it isn't Kaylz - so I guess it is just a case of eating food that I know I can tolerate which isn't a problem. x
Your levels are running pretty low wirralass so I don't think it will be an issue at all just frustrating.
You're right Amigo - but even if I do devour a naughty, my body will be quick to let me know - and yes frustrating! 🙂 x
Finally managed to get away from the .3's...... this morning was 5.6 so very pleased with that
Finally managed to get away from the .3's...... this morning was 5.6 so very pleased with that
Wonderful, really pleased for you Davo - you're obviously doing something right - we have to make changes to reap the benefits, well done & take care x
Arrrgh! I'm out of test strips and it's the weekend😱 Thought I had spare but thought wrong! Oh deary deary me 🙄
Oh B****R WL
No it isn't Kaylz - so I guess it is just a case of eating food that I know I can tolerate which isn't a problem. x
Tiresome WL...but...just a couple of'll manage...done that myself so moment seem to have an excess...then nothing!
Morning it's a 7.8 from me today. Have a good day everyone.
Early Barbara...good numbers...steady...consistent...shall I say it...okay...going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Morning...aching like an old wreck improvements so exhausting...not sure if my lack of skill...patience...dexterity & clumsiness with the paint brush qualifies as an improvement....however...looking at the results...strangely long as you don't look too closely😱😱😱.

ps... forgot to say...5.2 today🙂.
Good morning folks. It's a lovely sunny start to the day here. Went to bed on 5.5 on meter and woke to a not so sunny 8.9 for me no idea why :(. Silly me forgot to apply a new sensor too, O how I miss that graph.
Have a nice weekend everyone, if you have to work, don't work too hard ok.
Early Barbara...good numbers...steady...consistent...shall I say it...okay...going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Morning Bubbsie, I was asleep early I felt like that old wreck that you feel today I was on my feet walking around all day yesterday the plan was to do some retail therapy, came home with one loaf of brown bread and some tomatoes on the vine. Your hard work will pay off when it's all finished 🙂

Forgot to add well done on your HS 🙂
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Morning all. Only 5 hours to run on Libre and it shows - reading a 3.6 whereas finger prick is a 6.0. 🙄
Well done on the HS @Bubbsie 🙂 cold dull day here so far :( and a 5.0 for me also got away from the .8 at bedtime with a 6.7 lol x
Well done @Bubbsie on the HS, hope you can rest today.

It is a 5.4 for me and wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
That would be a great idea NJ....painting done for now...thought I might put my feet up today...but...worryingly have a sudden urge to start on the housework...disturbing...there you are...just starting on the French windows...determined to have them sparkling (now the sun is out they do look disgraceful)...hope it doesn't last too long...out this evening (hen Night) need some stamina for that😱😱😱.