Group 7-day waking average?

(and want to get away from the .3 haha)
I want to get away from the .8 at bedtime, last 3 nights were 7.8, 7.8, 6.8 haha x
8.3 for me this morning. The last 4 mornings has been 5.3, 6.3, 7.3 and 8.3 - I'm going the wrong way!!!! (and want to get away from the .3 haha)
Oh noooo! I think you'd best stay in bed tomorrow Davo 🙄 don't test, then start afresh on Saturday morning! :D and yes chuck those annoying .3's away too! x
@PineMartin Good luck with your review tomorrow - hope you have the numbers you're expecting - everything crossed for you, take care & please update us x
Morning...shattered...spent most of the last two days painting (anything that stood still got painted!)...trying a small experiment...forgot to take my morning Metformin a couple of days ago...levels stayed haven't taken it for a couple of days now...levels still good...did discuss this with GP at last review...didn't feel ready...not advocating anyone follow my example without taking advice from their GP/DSN...will speak to him later so he is aware...we'll see how things go...5.6 today.
Morning all. Libre says a 3.8 for me, but as it only has 1 day to run and was showing around 2.0 difference all day yesterday, I'll actually be in high 5s.
Morning all. 4.4 for me today - discovered that sweet potato wedges seem to behave nicely so happy days last night 🙂 you've got to love a morning when you wake in the 4s (well I do anyway!)
After a restless night I'm a 7.2 this morning, Off now for a couple of days in Germany so have a good weekend folks and I promise I will avoid the Black Forest Gateau 🙄
9.8 this morning but had toast before bed with cold tablets. Still feeling ropey, but at lest BG is still in single figures. Have a good day everyone, and thank crunchie it's Friday .
Morning everyone 🙂 5.3 here but didn't break away from the .8 scoring at bed time haha x
Good morning everyone. It's a rather wet and dull morning here, I'm glad about the rain though.
Woke up at my usual time 4ish With a nice 5.4 after half an hour decided to try for some more kip had nowt to eat or drink and woke up to 7.9 , it seems sleep is no good for me lol.