Group 7-day waking average?

Not reported in with levels for a while as I've been on holiday but I confess they were understandably a little higher.

Well I'm back now having gained some holiday pounds I need to lose and to get my silly head back into diabetic mode! 🙄
I'm a whopping 7.7 this morning but have a headache and masses of systemic inflammation which won't be helping in my joints.

Came back to my diabetic eye screening reminder too.

Sorry to others having a hard time, I've been following the posts.

Good luck to @Stitch147 for today. Go girl! 🙂

I need a complete de-tox next week and an attitude readjustment! :(
And possibly another holiday once you've done all that😱😱😱...7.7 really not so bad...particularly after the'll come good in a day or two.
Morning, I'm a 6.8 this morning after a huge BBQ and quite a few beers yesterday afternoon and evening, Off to sit on the naughty step before getting back to normal 🙂
Rob...pretty good score for a huge Barbie & the beers...obviously needed it...believe firmly have to 'let loose' once in a need to sit on the 'naughty step'...I'll write you a can have a hall pass:D:D:D.
And possibly another holiday once you've done all that😱😱😱...7.7 really not so bad...particularly after the'll come good in a day or two.

Thanks Bubbsie. I'll bloody well make sure it does! Got too many plates to keep spinning to afford to let any drop! :confused:
No waking number for me today as I've not been to sleep, does the 9.7 count that I woke with in the back of an ambulance?
No waking number for me today as I've not been to sleep, does the 9.7 count that I woke with in the back of an ambulance?

Oh dear Stitch sorry to hear that, Hope everything is OK 😱
Hope you can catch up during the day and you are ok.
Unfortunately no catch up for me today so the coffee will just have to do the job lol, glad to hear the pain in your back is settling I hope it continues that way 🙂 x
No waking number for me today as I've not been to sleep, does the 9.7 count that I woke with in the back of an ambulance?
Wait what, what happened? I hope your ok!!! ((hugs)) x
I got to 18 1/2 miles and my body gave up on me and I collapsed through exhaustion and dehydration.
I got to 18 1/2 miles and my body gave up on me and I collapsed through exhaustion and dehydration.
Oh no so sorry to hear this Stitch :(, rest up, take it easy, look after yourself and get better soon hun xx
I got to 18 1/2 miles and my body gave up on me and I collapsed through exhaustion and dehydration.

Sorry to hear that but wow thats still some achievement, Hope you recover quickly.
Glad you're back after a well earned break Amigo. It's hard to get back into it but know you will. Hope those joints settle down soon as well as the nit too bad 7.7 🙂
Oh no Stitch. I'm so sorry you weren't well enough to finish. So disappointing after all the work you put into it. Hope you soon feel much better. And remember to give yourself a pat on the back for all you did achieve. Very very well done 🙂
No waking number for me today as I've not been to sleep, does the 9.7 count that I woke with in the back of an ambulance?
You get a pass this morning Donna...great effort...bad knee...stress...walking...come on...even though no sleep...9.7...not so bad...have a selfish day...indulge yourself
You get a pass this morning Donna...great effort...bad knee...stress...walking...come on...even though no sleep...9.7...not so bad...have a selfish day...indulge yourself
I'm thinking nice soak in the bath complete with a cuppa.
Good morning it's a 7.4 from me. Have a good Sunday everyone.
Barbara (still seems odd calling YOU Barbara!) still going...wait for it...downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...have a good day...Barbara (AKA Bubbsie).
I'm thinking nice soak in the bath complete with a cuppa.
Absolutely...haven't done that for ages...have some gorgeous Marshmallow bath soak upstairs...pity you're not nearer...would sent it round...need to be indulgent today...scant reward...but...enjoyable!
Morning peeps 🙂 6.9 here after little sleep urgh lol x
Ooh...I'm unbearable after a rough nights sleep...turns me into a real B*** idea what my excuse is the rest of the time...try & get your feet up the way...nothing wrong with a 6.9
Ooh...I'm unbearable after a rough nights sleep...turns me into a real B*** idea what my excuse is the rest of the time...try & get your feet up the way...nothing wrong with a 6.9
OH was hogging nearly the whole bed last night and kept waking me up every time I got to that drifty stage, I will get my own back (do I disturb his sleep or burn his tea by 'accident' decisions decisions lol) na I'm not that bad, I'm zombie like till I get my first coffee then usually make it through the day not bad 🙂, hope the next week goes smoother for you than recent events, think you need to get a holiday booked!! 🙂 x
I got to 18 1/2 miles and my body gave up on me and I collapsed through exhaustion and dehydration.
O bloody heck, how are you now.
Absolutely...haven't done that for ages...have some gorgeous Marshmallow bath soak upstairs...pity you're not nearer...would sent it round...need to be indulgent today...scant reward...but...enjoyable!
I've got some lovely bath salts that I got in Lanzarote