Group 7-day waking average?

Hi Lorraine - sorry to read about your sore throat - I shouldn't say this but eating ice cream is very soothing - don't fret about your morning high bgl - this happens when you're not feeling well - hope you feel better soon - and give your OH a wallop for not keeping his germs to himself! Take care & look after yourself hun x
A very good Sunday morning from me to you sleepy heads! Too early yet to see if it's going to be a sunshine Sunday but hope it is!

Went to bed on a 6.4
And awoke to a 5.8

@Stitch - still thinking of you and willing you on to the finish line x

Hope you all have a pain free day folks, do what you most enjoy - and be happy.x
Morning peeps 🙂 6.9 here after little sleep urgh lol x
Morning...late start for me...looks like the sun is shining...will find out once I open the curtains!...5.9 today...not bad...late snack before bed (again).
Good morning folks. I had a most unexpected but much appreciated sleep in.
I'm 5.4 this bright but not yet sunny morning.
I have just had my highest reading ever...well, the highest reading I've ever taken. Normally if I'm in pig mode I don't measure, I go into coward mode and don't want to know. I'm wondering now if it was what I'd eaten or the fact I was in panic mode some time before...being a hypochondriac if I feel ill I panic so was it that or not? Agh I dunno, I have to stop having modes.

6.7 @ 6.01 an hour or so later had meat and potato pie and a slice of Warburtons white toastie with lashings of butter and measured 10.2 @ 8.51 I also got burning acid reflux, why do I do this to myself? 😱
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Morning, I'm a 6.8 this morning after a huge BBQ and quite a few beers yesterday afternoon and evening, Off to sit on the naughty step before getting back to normal 🙂
Not reported in with levels for a while as I've been on holiday but I confess they were understandably a little higher.

Well I'm back now having gained some holiday pounds I need to lose and to get my silly head back into diabetic mode! 🙄
I'm a whopping 7.7 this morning but have a headache and masses of systemic inflammation which won't be helping in my joints.

Came back to my diabetic eye screening reminder too.

Sorry to others having a hard time, I've been following the posts.

Good luck to @Stitch147 for today. Go girl! 🙂

I need a complete de-tox next week and an attitude readjustment! :(
I have just had my highest reading ever...well, the highest reading I've ever taken. Normally if I'm in pig mode I don't measure, I go into coward mode and don't want to know. I'm wondering now if it was what I'd eaten or the fact I was in panic mode some time before...being a hypochondriac if I feel ill I panic so was it that or not? Agh I dunno, I have to stop having modes.

6.7 @ 6.01 an hour or so later had meat and potato pie and a slice of Warburtons white toastie with lashings of butter and measured 10.2 @ 8.51 I also got burning acid reflux, why do I do this to myself? 😱 just have to settle yourself've eaten the pie...the bread...nothing you can do about that...done least you're testing...know why you're high...just try to move forwards...write it off...yes...panic (stress) won't help...can't be avoided a lot of the time...give yourself a bit of space...step back a little...start off again...10.2 after...could have been worse...don't PANIC.