Group 7-day waking average?

A massive 14.6 this morning, but I had a melt down yesterday and ate loads of ice-cream, in Bridget Jones style straight from the tub. I think I am coming down with something as my glads are all swollen and I keep feeling like I have a migraine coming on. Must do better, everytime I start getting those figures down I go and blow it.
Morning all. A 10.3 for me today. And I now have a very sore grazed knee after slipping over on my way to work this morning. Just what I needed the day before doing a marathon length walk. :(
On B***R Stitch...can you dress it...get an ice pack on it...hope it is just limited to that knee...odd how when we face problems like this...our determination takes over...that stoical spirit sets in...hope it doesn't affect the walk...keep us updated.
On B***R Stitch...can you dress it...get an ice pack on it...hope it is just limited to that knee...odd how when we face problems like this...our determination takes over...that stoical spirit sets in...hope it doesn't affect the walk...keep us updated.
Ive cleaned it and put a dressing over it to keep it clean. A 6 year old would be proud of the graze ive got. It will probably be nice and bruised tomorrow, but it wont stop me getting over the finish line sunday morning.
A massive 14.6 this morning, but I had a melt down yesterday and ate loads of ice-cream, in Bridget Jones style straight from the tub. I think I am coming down with something as my glads are all swollen and I keep feeling like I have a migraine coming on. Must do better, everytime I start getting those figures down I go and blow it.
Lorraine something we've all done...don't be too hard on there any chance you can ring your surgery...have a word with GP/Nurse?...might be worth a least you are thinking about how to lower those BG levels...recognising where you may have gone in the 'wrong direction'...maybe relax for a bit...give yourself time to sit down...relax a little more...decide how to approach this issue...easy to say...sounds as if you have a very busy so on...sometimes you just have to put yourself first...if only for a brief period...hoping you find the right balance will come I'm sure...have a good weekend.
Ive cleaned it and put a dressing over it to keep it clean. A 6 year old would be proud of the graze ive got. It will probably be nice and bruised tomorrow, but it wont stop me getting over the finish line sunday morning.
Relieved to hear that Stitch...maybe later a little ice to try to reduce any swelling...I have absolutely no doubt you'll be over that finishing line on Sunday morning...irrespective of how hard it will you have a just giving page...or have you posted that...and I've missed I?t...let me know...good luck tomorrow...will be waiting for news.
Relieved to hear that Stitch...maybe later a little ice to try to reduce any swelling...I have absolutely no doubt you'll be over that finishing line on Sunday morning...irrespective of how hard it will you have a just giving page...or have you posted that...and I've missed I?t...let me know...good luck tomorrow...will be waiting for news.

Thanks Bubbsie. I'll put the link to my just giving page on the thread in the sports and exercise section. Its sore when I stand up after sitting for a while, but not too bad once I start moving.
Thanks Bubbsie. I'll put the link to my just giving page on the thread in the sports and exercise section. Its sore when I stand up after sitting for a while, but not too bad once I start moving.
Okay...will attend to that shortly!
Morning all. I got up at silly o'clock to go to the hospital for my blood test (review next week) and felt smug as my waking BG was a 5.2 house special! I just hope my HbA1c will be good....
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.7 after a night shift. Pleased with that 🙂
I'm very sorry to hear your sad news Hazel xx
6.5 for me this morning

I did give my hubby a fright last night as we do a nightly walk and I take meter with me and tested before 4.3 and after 5.3 he told me after he'd already stashed some cola in cause I actually took a hypo aww bless him.
Morning...what a companies to deal with...3rd parties...competing egos...accident sketches to draw...quotes to consider...endless...finally finished all that yesterday...relieved!...woke to a reassuring 5.6 today:D.
Morning guys 🙂 6.3 here x
A 5.7 from after a rubbish nights sleep, Weather forecast when I went to bed was for a nice bright sunny morning, Woke up to dull, cloudy and pouring with rain! Have a good weekend folks.
8.9 today
Morning all, 11.6 for me today. Anyone going to London meet up, hope you have fun. My knee feels OK today just a bit bruised. Anyone want to come and join me walking a marathon tonight??? Anyone??? 🙄🙂
Have a good day peeps.