Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks.
I think I must have become a fridge raider in the wee small hours , went to bed on 5.5 woke up with 7.9 . My Libre was kinder to me it was 1 1/2 points lower than my meter this morning.
So sorry to hear that @Hazel my thoughts are with you x
Morning guys 🙂 it's a 6 for me today x
Morning...up late for me this damp rainy gloomy day...had a relatively good sleep...woke to a 5.6...anyone seen Northerner.
Morning all. A 10.3 for me today. And I now have a very sore grazed knee after slipping over on my way to work this morning. Just what I needed the day before doing a marathon length walk. :(
Take care Hazel my thoughts are with you.

I'm up with a very respectable 6.1 this morning, Bright morning and some much needed overnight rain from a thunderstorm in the early hours.
Morning all. A 10.3 for me today. And I now have a very sore grazed knee after slipping over on my way to work this morning. Just what I needed the day before doing a marathon length walk. :(
Oh No, I hope it gets better and doesn't affect your walk.
Oh No, I hope it gets better and doesn't affect your walk.
I hope not too. I need to pop up the shops in a mo as my trousers are filthy and I'm in the office all day.
Heres my knee!
Morning everyone - as some of you may know my good friend lost her battle with cancer earlier this week.

Haven't slept all night, so a disappointing 6.4 this morning.

Have a good day
((((((Hugs)))))))) wishing you a gentle day and sending love.
Morning everyone - as some of you may know my good friend lost her battle with cancer earlier this week.

Haven't slept all night, so a disappointing 6.4 this morning.

Have a good day
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this, Hazel. :( Look after yourself.

Morning all. 6.8 here.

Unfortunately, they got the forecast right for a change, so more rain in Spain - perhaps I'll get those ceilings painted after all (can't stay indoors when the sun's shining!).

Enjoy, ev1.😛
Morning...up late for me this damp rainy gloomy day...had a relatively good sleep...woke to a 5.6...anyone seen Northerner.
I noticed he hadn't posted for a few days, hope he's ok x
Morning everyone - as some of you may know my good friend lost her battle with cancer earlier this week.

Haven't slept all night, so a disappointing 6.4 this morning.

Have a good day

So sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend.
Good morning peeps on this sunny & partly clouded Friday!

Poorly last night so tested at 10.05pm - 5.1 !
Then tested again at 01.00am - 6.1 !
@Anthony Stirrat move over please - sharing the 6.3 bench with you for the second consecutive day - mucky birds A? They need potty training! o_O

My thoughts are with those who are suffering in one way or another today. Take care folks & be kind to each other.