Group 7-day waking average?

Morning lovelies 🙂 it's a 5.5 here and looking like it might be a fab day 🙂 p****d off last night we had the curtains down, washed and hung out and when I went out to get them some dirty bird had c*****d on them damn those seagulls lol x

Ah Seagulls, We have them nesting on our roof and as well as leaving their trade mark on the washing at times they are bloomin noisy at 5am in the morning 😡
Morning folks. It's a lovely bright sunny day here.
After a correction around 1am was 14 no idea why. Am supprised to be 5.0.
Have a nice day everyone
Morning lovelies 🙂 it's a 5.5 here and looking like it might be a fab day 🙂 p****d off last night we had the curtains down, washed and hung out and when I went out to get them some dirty bird had c*****d on them damn those seagulls lol x
Inconvenient Kaylz...but...lucky...get yourself down to those shops...lottery ticket in order!...don't forget to share...but...only if it's more than a tenner😉.
Morning all, I hope the weather is like this Saturday night and Sunday morning, its lovely out there today. Anyway a 9.9 this morning.
Ah Seagulls, We have them nesting on our roof and as well as leaving their trade mark on the washing at times they are bloomin noisy at 5am in the morning 😡
We have an oyster catcher that does the rounds of the block between 10 and 11:30pm and our seagulls are usually a tad kinder and leave it till 5:30am lol x
Inconvenient Kaylz...but...lucky...get yourself down to those shops...lottery ticket in order!...don't forget to share...but...only if it's more than a tenner😉.
Haha true I usually only do the thunderball on a Saturday but may try my luck with the lottery and a scratch card, don't expect me to be announcing I've won millions though lol x
A high 13.6 for me, but when I took my Metformin this morning, I realised I had missed two tablets yesterday, as this strip should have run out at the end of the day today and now I will still have 2 tablets left. I though I had got passed this forgetting to take the tablets, but apparently not.
Good morning all 🙂 and a naughty macflurry meant a 7.6! 😱 Maybe I'd be better with KitKats! are a bad influence...suddenly the Kit Kats don't seem've planted a seed...desperate for a McFlurry now! idea how...but woke to a 4.8 this morning...despite a handful of small mini Hob Nobs (like Maltesers)...a couple of mini Kit Kat peanut butter fingers...thought that can't be right...tested again...4.9...not really a sweet tooth person...needed them last do I try without tonight...or get stuck in again this evening?
Are you sure your diabetic :D are a bad influence...suddenly the Kit Kats don't seem've planted a seed...desperate for a McFlurry now!
I so desperately wanted ice-cream last night, I know there is Oreo ice-cream in the freezer in the kitchen. I went to bed before I could give in.
Are you sure your diabetic :D
I believe so Lin...still on the Metformin...results surprised me...been stressed to the max this in general...still slightly suspicious of my new meter...tried testing on my spare one...roughly the same...mystery to me!
I so desperately wanted ice-cream last night, I know there is Oreo ice-cream in the freezer in the kitchen. I went to bed before I could give in.
Well done for resisting, it's so hard a times isn't it.
I so desperately wanted ice-cream last night, I know there is Oreo ice-cream in the freezer in the kitchen. I went to bed before I could give in.
OMG Lorraine...stop...not really a sweet tooth girl...but...miss ice cream so much...okay...may have to have one...if my BG shoots up...will at least get that out of the way...need to do it now...purely in the name of research!
OMG Lorraine...stop...not really a sweet tooth girl...but...miss ice cream so much...okay...may have to have one...if my BG shoots up...will at least get that out of the way...need to do it now...purely in the name of research!
Oh no I've planted the seed! Next time I succumb I'll keep it to myself although the high BG will surely give away my sins! 🙄
I believe so Lin...still on the Metformin...results surprised me...been stressed to the max this in general...still slightly suspicious of my new meter...tried testing on my spare one...roughly the same...mystery to me!
Maybe it's the stress levels lowering your BGs . D is such a pernickety thing.
Oh no I've planted the seed! Next time I succumb I'll keep it to myself although the high BG will surely give away my sins! 🙄
Might do some research first...surely there must be a Kit Kat ice cream?
7.1 this morning but I changed my diluting juice last night. Lovely day here so I've decided to tackle the mountian of washing I have in between hosing down the dogs.
Morning lovelies 🙂 it's a 5.5 here and looking like it might be a fab day 🙂 p****d off last night we had the curtains down, washed and hung out and when I went out to get them some dirty bird had c*****d on them damn those seagulls lol x

I find it's easier to rehang whilst fresh from the machine unless huge of course we have magpies and I hate them too.