Group 7-day waking average?

Just read your HbA1c numbers Kaylz - well done for lowering it from 101 to 33 - and in 4 months too, clever you 🙂
Yeah the DSN wasn't too happy about that though telling me they prefer it to be between 40-50 you just can't win in this game eh haha x
Yeah the DSN wasn't too happy about that though telling me they prefer it to be between 40-50 you just can't win in this game eh haha x
They're a bunch of miserable old glass-half-empty types - it seems that if they can find n focus on something negative, they will! Just ignore them and listen to us lot instead🙄 - well done, Kaylz!:D

Morning all.🙂 6.7 here.😛
Morning all, libre says 10.3 finger says 10.5, so not much in it.
Like being

Urghh being at the fairground... on a ride...up & down...up & down...but...not the slightest bit enjoyable...good to see it's settled down this morning.
Thanks Bubbsie. 2 hrs after an unbolused brekkie I'm 5.5
Recently I was sitting between 4.5 to 5.5, I'm trying to get back there and keep it stable

My lowest has been 6.3 which is within the range but I am trying to get it lower but not do it to quick.

Here's hoping your numbers lower soon for you
I woke with 6.2, Uncle Libre says it's been around that all night. Which is good. I've been fiddling with my night time dose of Levemir to see if I can curtail the dawn effect without getting hypos. 21 years, and there's still things to sort. Fascinating🙂
7.1 for me this morning coming back down again thankfully.
They're a bunch of miserable old glass-half-empty types - it seems that if they can find n focus on something negative, they will! Just ignore them and listen to us lot instead🙄 - well done, Kaylz!:D

Morning all.🙂 6.7 here.😛
Well the hospital I was at in March has that machine that does the results while your in your appointment the nurse came and handed her the result and she was like hmmmm that's a big decline from 101 to 33 we really prefer it to be between 40-50 then she was like I know whatever you do we never seem happy do we, I'm just sat like well yeah that's true thinking do I apologise or what haha x
7.1 for me this morning coming back down again thankfully.
Me too. This is quite high for me, but I'm thinking new meter will be higher than my old one, I think I've probably been getting away with blue murder! :D Gonna have to be good from now on. I'm so relieved I can measure again, I hates not knowing. I quite like measuring and I have no probs now with the pricking, only use my little finger and never get sore or anything. I feel I'm really getting on top of this D business now.
Happy good Tuesday afternoon Peeps & it's another sunbathing day here again😎Hope it's the same for you too even if you don't sunbathe!

Went to bed on a 7.6 🙄
And awoke to a 6.4 - I'm happy with this 🙂

Be kind - generous & loving to each other today folks - and be mindful of those carbs too (Hark who's talking!) take care.
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Me too. This is quite high for me, but I'm thinking new meter will be higher than my old one, I think I've probably been getting away with blue murder! :D Gonna have to be good from now on. I'm so relieved I can measure again, I hates not knowing. I quite like measuring and I have no probs now with the pricking, only use my little finger and never get sore or anything. I feel I'm really getting on top of this D business now.
So good to hear this Ditto - thinking positive gets results - I have two meters - Codefree and Contour - I find the Codefree is always 2mmols higher than the Contour. Take care & keep up the good work x
10.1 for me this morning, so heading in the right direction.
You're doing really well there Lorraine - your numbers are coming down slowly but surely - hope this continues - good feeling isn't it - well done x
Ooooooops! Oh no! What happened there sunny? I'm sure you'll return to your normal bgls soon - are you alright? x
No Idea went to bed on 6 then I get up and bang 2.7 the DF was jealous of my progress and gave me a reminder of what can happen if your not careful am fine yeah bit dazed tho I probs will be low most day now
Go for it! This was in Pembrokeshire,(Nolton stables) they take anyone from experts to complete beginners, (no road work, they have their own private track down to the beach). and they do B & B.
5.7 for me this morning.
I have only ever ridden a horse once Robin - many years ago - first and only time - my horse was said to be a docile horse and it wasn't til all the others decided to gallop down a hill that my horse followed suit - hilarious & painful at the same time 😱 Back at the stables I dismounted very cautiously to find my legs were now bowed - hurt to walk & I had a very nasty sore on my bum at the bottom of my spine that lasted for days on end!!! I learned later that I hadn't been riding in rhythm with my horse!!! I wondered why I wasnt told this at the beginning ! Lesson learned hahaha!🙄 Had a good laugh about it afterwards tho! :D
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3.7 this morning - didn't feel too good