Group 7-day waking average?

7.9 here. Could be worse, considering. Tested before bed last night, 7.2, got up from chair, had massive attack of cramp in the long muscle down my inside thigh. ( been riding, used leg muscles quite a lot, and it was hot, so possibly dehydrated) Couldn't get it to resolve, it was so painful I actually broke out in a clammy sweat and felt faint and sick. Eventually resolved after about fifteen minutes. Tested again about 15 mins later, 13.9! It's amazing what your liver can do when faced with a crisis! So gave myself a conservative correction dose of 2 units, just in case the liver decided to replenish itself overnight.
Thanks doubt we'll have another scintillating discussion...probably about the pressure on him...time of appointments...restrictions on what he can prescribe...after I've reassured him it's not the end of the world...we may even get round to talking about me!
Good luck Bubbsie with your appointment and this made me laugh, sounds like the appointments with my DSN, may he listen and take notice of you too.
7.9 here. Could be worse, considering. Tested before bed last night, 7.2, got up from chair, had massive attack of cramp in the long muscle down my inside thigh. ( been riding, used leg muscles quite a lot, and it was hot, so possibly dehydrated) Couldn't get it to resolve, it was so painful I actually broke out in a clammy sweat and felt faint and sick. Eventually resolved after about fifteen minutes. Tested again about 15 mins later, 13.9! It's amazing what your liver can do when faced with a crisis! So gave myself a conservative correction dose of 2 units, just in case the liver decided to replenish itself overnight.
Sound very very painful and uncomfortable, and hope you have a good day and your numbers stay good.
Morning all, I was at 10.4 this morning. Ive also left my testing kit at home today (bugger). I attached a new libre sensor last night ready for Saturday, I will be activating it when I get home from work later.
13.4 for me today, but I did have two short bread biscuits and 2 jaffa cakes on a cake decorating class yesterday. Was 12.2 Sunday, sorry was MIA, but class was all day and I didn't have time to get on here. So time to get back on it and stop mucking around like I did all weekend.
Morning all it was 5.4 for me when I got up and been rushing round ever since. Activated a new Libre sensor this morning. It will be getting reported to Abbott if it doesn't start behaving itself soon. It showed LO when I was a double checked 7.3. Good luck with all your appontments and other endeavours everyone.
Good luck Bubbsie with your appointment and this made me laugh, sounds like the appointments with my DSN, may he listen and take notice of you too.
Jo...after a very difficult start with him (the first six months)...we actually get along very well...productive appointment...worried me when he said he looked forward to my appointments now...since he had got to know me...knew my diabetes...bit too 'Alan Partridge' for me...however I did persevere with him... he was hard work's paid off...phew...great relief!
7.9 here. Could be worse, considering. Tested before bed last night, 7.2, got up from chair, had massive attack of cramp in the long muscle down my inside thigh. ( been riding, used leg muscles quite a lot, and it was hot, so possibly dehydrated) Couldn't get it to resolve, it was so painful I actually broke out in a clammy sweat and felt faint and sick. Eventually resolved after about fifteen minutes. Tested again about 15 mins later, 13.9! It's amazing what your liver can do when faced with a crisis! So gave myself a conservative correction dose of 2 units, just in case the liver decided to replenish itself overnight.
Ooh B***R Robin...dread the cramp...made me winch when I read your post...thankfully resolved now...hope you're okay now!
Good luck at your appointment Bubbsie x
Thanks appointments with him are much improved tension...we actually speak to one another...mainly he listens...I talk...may even stop calling him Dr Max Medication...maybe not for a while yet...just to keep him on his toes...thank you...have a good day.
Ooh B***R Robin...dread the cramp...made me winch when I read your post...thankfully resolved now...hope you're okay now!
BGs seem to have settled now, thanks, leg muscles a bit stiff, think that was because I'd ridden a horse new to me, they're all slightly different, so use muscles in slightly different ways. I expect to be stiff after riding at my age, anyway!
Good luck with your appointment this morning!
BGs seem to have settled now, thanks, leg muscles a bit stiff, think that was because I'd ridden a horse new to me, they're all slightly different, so use muscles in slightly different ways. I expect to be stiff after riding at my age, anyway!
Good luck with your appointment this morning!
Good to hear Robin... levels are down...I get those cramps occasionally...the kind that often make me feel like banging my head against the wall...anything to distract me...the relief when they go...immense...good appointment with Dr Max Medication...we get on very well now...only taken nine months...but...finally I don't have to work so hard with him...all smiles as I left his room...of course...could have been my leaving that brought that on:D:D:D.
Hope the appointment goes better than expected.
Went very well thanks much better than my previous home...felt satisfied we'd discussed all we needed to.
Bubbsie, glad it went well
Morning...wide awake at 03:30...worked hard in the garden yesterday...shattered...very early night...which seems to have 'backfired' on me to see Dr Max Medication first thing this morning...despite that...woke to a 5.3
Oh b....r Bubbsie - this has happened to me too - know how you feel - good number tho - hope your appt with Dr Meds went as well as you wanted it to be, take care x
7.6 it's rising and I have no clues why?
Didn't eat anything naughty
Went for usual walk last night too.
Not to many hot flushes (menopausal)
Happy good Monday afternoon Peeps! Gloriously sunny day here 🙂

Well I went to bed on a 5.6 and woke to a 6.3 despite having spent 40mins on my exercise bike prior to going to bed. I hazard a guess the culprit was the protein bar snack 😡

I wish you all a pain & worry free day and I leave you with this thought:-

The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you wake up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office! o_O😉 Take care folks. x