Group 7-day waking average?

7.6 for me but stress maybe playing a part here.
6.2 here, After a glorious warm sunny day calm day yesterday it's sunny again this morning but with a very chilly Northerly strong wind! Enjoy your Sunday 🙂
Morning everyone 🙂 5.7 here surprisingly as didn't sleep very well due to the neighbours drinking etc on the stairs and what seemed like the upstairs ones dropping bricks on the floor, back to being a bit dull today but could brighten up later, here's hoping anyway 🙂 have a lovely day everyone 🙂 x
Kaylz...lived in a huge terrace in reasonably Central London...all converted into flats...beautiful building...part of the problem is so little noise insulation...sound carried...often felt like my neighbours above were all auditioning for 'River Dance'...lived there for so long got used to moved...small terrace...semi-rural area...never realised how much I tolerated in London...until now...can you speak to your Landlord...Local Authority...most leases/tenancies specifically prohibit noise nuisance...whether you rent or distinction between the for the noise from above...if due to poor sound insulation...little you can do...used to be action you could take...change in legislation years ago now prevents that...however...if due to unreasonable behaviour...floor coverings etc...times it occurs...may be able to take action...anything they can do to mitigate noise pollution should be done...worth considering...nothing like having your privacy/peace of mind disturbed...particularly during the night!
Had a naughty day yesterday a bit like you Bubbsie, Big Mac with chips / Caramel Mc Flurry plus 😱 mint matchmakers oooooh and 3 pieces of whole nut. I hang my face in shame lol :( but I did wake up to 7.6 which isn't bad for me, today is another day. Please send that sunshine to me please RobK grey and chilly here.
Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a nice Sunday, for those having to go to work today {{{hug}}}
Forgot to test when I first woke up. I was amazed to be 5.1 after sorting out both our pills for the week.
My Libre line was humpty bumpy till around 3am , it descended in titchy steps till 6am Then a lovely even line 🙂
Great score Lin...especially after removing 'all the delicious bad food from the house' the new avatar...made me smile:D:D:D.
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Had a naughty day yesterday a bit like you Bubbsie, Big Mac with chips / Caramel Mc Flurry plus 😱 mint matchmakers oooooh and 3 pieces of whole nut. I hang my face in shame lol :( but I did wake up to 7.6 which isn't bad for me, today is another day. Please send that sunshine to me please RobK grey and chilly here.
Blimey slippery so an so...7.6 with all that...makes my Kit Kats sound positively angelic...still going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
6.2 here, After a glorious warm sunny day calm day yesterday it's sunny again this morning but with a very chilly Northerly strong wind! Enjoy your Sunday 🙂
Cold here Rob...really sunshine...however...inspired by an old episode or Gardeners world/Monty Don...been out in the garden...lasted half an hour...thought sod it...retreated back inside coffee...and a scarf!...numbers seem to be coming down...heading in the right that Northerly breeze...wind starting to pick up here...rather you kept that to yourself!
Did not eat as good as I would like yesterday but woke up to 7.2 this morning so happy with that
Cold here Rob...really sunshine...however...inspired by an old episode or Gardeners world/Monty Don...been out in the garden...lasted half an hour...thought sod it...retreated back inside coffee...and a scarf!...numbers seem to be coming down...heading in the right that Northerly breeze...wind starting to pick up here...rather you kept that to yourself!

Good those numbers are heading in the right direction, Was going for a hill walk today but the thought of having to put on thermals in May tends to put me off a bit! Garden it could be as out of the wind.
Kaylz...lived in a huge terrace in reasonably Central London...all converted into flats...beautiful building...part of the problem is so little noise insulation...sound carried...often felt like my neighbours above were all auditioning for 'River Dance'...lived there for so long got used to moved...small terrace...semi-rural area...never realised how much I tolerated in London...until now...can you speak to your Landlord...Local Authority...most leases/tenancies specifically prohibit noise nuisance...whether you rent or distinction between the for the noise from above...if due to poor sound insulation...little you can do...used to be action you could take...change in legislation years ago now prevents that...however...if due to unreasonable behaviour...floor coverings etc...times it occurs...may be able to take action...anything they can do to mitigate noise pollution should be done...worth considering...nothing like having your privacy/peace of mind disturbed...particularly during the night!
The council try their best, we're in a block of 6 flats the other 5 are Eastern Europeans, the council sent letters out in various languages (covering all the tenants languages) about the closey door having to be shut all the time, not blocking the bottom of the stairs and not leaving fag ends at the front closey door, they pin the door open with a brick, the bottom of the closey has 2 single buggies, a double buggy and various bikes and they cleaned their fag ends up but have still continued to drop their fag ends at the entrance, they seem to think they don't have to follow the rules x
The council try their best, we're in a block of 6 flats the other 5 are Eastern Europeans, the council sent letters out in various languages (covering all the tenants languages) about the closey door having to be shut all the time, not blocking the bottom of the stairs and not leaving fag ends at the front closey door, they pin the door open with a brick, the bottom of the closey has 2 single buggies, a double buggy and various bikes and they cleaned their fag ends up but have still continued to drop their fag ends at the entrance, they seem to think they don't have to follow the rules x need to keep diary...make the council fulfil their obligations... make all the residents aware that is not acceptable behaviour...not to be repeated...they won't do anything if they can avoid it!...unless you press them...not likely to change. need to keep diary...make the council fulfil their obligations... make all the residents aware that is not acceptable behaviour...not to be repeated...they won't do anything if they can avoid it!...unless you press them...not likely to change.
We had a troublesome neighbour a good few years ago who was Scottish and the council did more about them than they ever do with the eastern Europeans, they get let off with much more, there was an incident a few years ago when a Scottish guy got fined for urinating at a set of steps, a few months later an eastern European was urinating at a woman's door so she phoned the police, they came out and said 'what do you expect us to do about it he's foreign' they get treated totally different around here to the rest of us, when we do go to the council all we get is oh we'll have a word with them, where I know that if that were a british person they would have been threatened with eviction by now, I honestly have no idea about where to go next and it's getting very tiring hearing the same thing over and over again, I will however be having a look in to it x
Blimey slippery so an so...7.6 with all that...makes my Kit Kats sound positively angelic...still going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Lol tbf expected worse but we were out all day shopping lots of walking then the theatre so I think that helped, my gadget says I burnt off over 800 calories. It's a one off so back to normal today. You can keep your Kit Kat lol 😛. My matchmakers were delicious 🙂
We had a troublesome neighbour a good few years ago who was Scottish and the council did more about them than they ever do with the eastern Europeans, they get let off with much more, there was an incident a few years ago when a Scottish guy got fined for urinating at a set of steps, a few months later an eastern European was urinating at a woman's door so she phoned the police, they came out and said 'what do you expect us to do about it he's foreign' they get treated totally different around here to the rest of us, when we do go to the council all we get is oh we'll have a word with them, where I know that if that were a british person they would have been threatened with eviction by now, I honestly have no idea about where to go next and it's getting very tiring hearing the same thing over and over again, I will however be having a look in to it x
Kaylz...any tenancy agreement guarantees you or the tenant 'the right to the quiet enjoyment of your property'...the council...housing association...whomever is the Landlord needs to guarantee that...if the nuisance is affecting that entitlement...your quality of life...they have a duty to does mean you would need to be persistent...can involve diarising the incidents...which could have far more impact than the nuisance itself...the only really effective way to take this matter forward...and resolve the problem.
There's not much wrong with that though some people would be really happy with that x

Aye me for one
What levels are you looking at to get and have you had them in the past.
FFS it's another 6.2 today 😡😡😡
This is the way the cookie crumbles from time to time A - up & down - up & down - but dont despair - chin up, tomorrow is another day, 6.2 is still within range. Take care
WL x