Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...5.4 today...not bad considering the week I've had.
Morning lovelies 🙂 5.9 here and another beautiful day today, didn't have a hoodie on at all yesterday for the first time in months let hope it continues 🙂 x
Morning lovelies 🙂 5.9 here and another beautiful day today, didn't have a hoodie on at all yesterday for the first time in months let hope it continues 🙂 x

Send it this way Kaylz, Blowing a gale, cloudy and really chilly still here, Fed up now with this weather its been like it all week, Enjoy it while it lasts 🙂
Send it this way Kaylz, Blowing a gale, cloudy and really chilly still here, Fed up now with this weather its been like it all week, Enjoy it while it lasts 🙂
Trying my best to send it in all directions to you guys haha fingers crossed :D x
Good morning all, a 5 for me this morning, I managed my numbers well in London and happy to be home for the weekend before a away again on Monday. I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Just catching up now and how dreadful for you Bubbsie, so good you are safe and hope the car gets sorted soon.
Thanks Jo...still mystified how a dinner guest managed to hit my car three times...and reverse into my neighbours twice...while parking...just one of those things...sadly my car is likely to be written off...I suppose fortunate none of us were written off at the same Armageddon out there Bank Holiday afternoon!
Good morning all, a 5 for me this morning, I managed my numbers well in London and happy to be home for the weekend before a away again on Monday. I wish you all a wonderful weekend. certainly numbers are always a little high after getting back from London...good job!
Thanks Jo...still mystified how a dinner guest managed to hit my car three times...and reverse into my neighbours twice...while parking...just one of those things...sadly my car is likely to be written off...I suppose fortunate none of us were written off at the same Armageddon out there Bank Holiday afternoon!
Speechless here and I thought I was bad at parking! So sad about your car but as you say good no one was hurt.
Speechless here and I thought I was bad at parking! So sad about your car but as you say good no one was hurt.
No idea if you've ever watched the film...Fried Green the scene where Kathy Bates rammed the car of two young women...who'd snatched her parking space...six friend only managed five ...incredible to watch!
Good morning all 🙂 and woke to 7.1 which is ok. Went out to eat last night and had a chicken and bacon salad with no dressing etc but didn't resist a macflurry after. 😱
Thanks Jo...still mystified how a dinner guest managed to hit my car three times...and reverse into my neighbours twice...while parking...just one of those things...sadly my car is likely to be written off...I suppose fortunate none of us were written off at the same Armageddon out there Bank Holiday afternoon!

Must have been a day for it Bubbsie because a reversing neighbour of a house we were visiting smashed up our car the same day. Has cost a fortune to repair and masses of inconvenience. Feel your pain! :(

A not so good 7.2 largely caused it seems by having nothing to eat since 5.30pm yesterday. Body has retaliated by churning out glucose!
Must have been a day for it Bubbsie because a reversing neighbour of a house we were visiting smashed up our car the same day. Has cost a fortune to repair and masses of inconvenience. Feel your pain! :(

A not so good 7.2 largely caused it seems by having nothing to eat since 5.30pm yesterday. Body has retaliated by churning out glucose! must be physic!...just about to post a cringing apology for missing your you will appreciate been pretty preoccupied lately!...ooh...tiresome this car said must be a day for for your numbers...give yourself a break...not surprising given the difficulties 'forced' upon you lately...initially relieved no one limiting here without a getting sorted now...yuru car...was it the new one?...ooh feel your pain difficult with the admin etc...but getting through it...have a good weekend!
Good morning all 🙂 and woke to 7.1 which is ok. Went out to eat last night and had a chicken and bacon salad with no dressing etc but didn't resist a macflurry after. 😱
Lin...I'd risk a 7.1 for a fact...want one now!
Lin...I'd risk a 7.1 for a fact...want one now!
Well I'm afraid MacDonald's now open 24/7. Ohhh I shouldn't tell you that!😱
Seriously it sounds pathetic but I've been so 'good' lately and suddenly I needed a macflurry! Once it's there in my head i just can't change it. Anyway behind me now. Thinking statins :(
Understand how difficult it is without your car. I had to go a few years without one awhile ago and it really came hard. Rode a little moped to work etc and had to rely on buses etc to take the children anywhere. Really appreciate having a car now. Hope yours is soon sorted 🙂 must be physic!...just about to post a cringing apology for missing your you will appreciate been pretty preoccupied lately!...ooh...tiresome this car said must be a day for for your numbers...give yourself a break...not surprising given the difficulties 'forced' upon you lately...initially relieved no one limiting here without a getting sorted now...yuru car...was it the new one?...ooh feel your pain difficult with the admin etc...but getting through it...have a good weekend!

No worries Bubbsie. I'm off to the sun tomorrrow so busy busy myself. Have a good weekend 🙂