Group 7-day waking average?

Well the sun is out for the first time this week it still seems we have that northerly wind which can go and do one. I had enough of that yesterday trying to put my washing out and getting slapped in the face by towels and sheets.

Well I managed a 7.7 this morning have a good day everyone.

Good luck at your appointment Stitch.
7.4 for me this morning, not complaining at that cause taking antibiotics got toothache, which are making me a bit otherwise. Still, roll on 1530 when I'm gonna lock my diary up in my desk and then on holiday
Blimey Bubbsie hope you got back to sleep I thought I had a rubbish night awake at 4.10 but you were even earlier than me , I did drop off again for a bit after just thinking I may aswell get up lol. Sorry to hear about your car another stress you could do without.
Thanks Barbara...yes could have done without it...consider myself fortunate I was standing on the pavement when it happened...not sitting in the car!
Well the sun is out for the first time this week it still seems we have that northerly wind which can go and do one. I had enough of that yesterday trying to put my washing out and getting slapped in the face by towels and sheets.

Well I managed a 7.7 this morning have a good day everyone.

Good luck at your appointment Stitch.
Going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn😉.
Morning guys 🙂 a weird 4.8 from me from a 7.1 last night, good luck today @Stitch147 everything is firmly crossed for you x
7.4 for me this morning, not complaining at that cause taking antibiotics got toothache, which are making me a bit otherwise. Still, roll on 1530 when I'm gonna lock my diary up in my desk and then on holiday
Carol...might not be the number you wanted this morning...not too bad considering the AB's...hope the day passes in a up...numbers down...rested...ready to thrash 'Betty' on your return...enjoy!
Sorry about your car bubbsie
Thanks said lucky I wasn't in it at the time...enjoy that holiday...luxuriate.
Carol...might not be the number you wanted this morning...not too bad considering the AB's...hope the day passes in a up...numbers down...rested...ready to thrash 'Betty' on your return...enjoy!
Hi bubbsie, considering the mid teens a few weeks ago, I'll take the lower number and look forward to as well going doooooown lol
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Good morning folks. Well I went to bed on 8.1 with a slanted upwards arrow.
Woke up to 3.1 Which I am sorting out right now.
Northener I think a certain little DF needs sorting out. It seems she's been rather busy last night.
Far too busy...far too full of her own self importance...she's needs a dam good thrashing!
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Morning all, 7.5 here, but I was 5.2 at 3.30 am, so daren't up my basal any more. Was a bit on tenterhooks as daughter had to leave the house at, and though this didn't involve me, I reckon I was sleeping with one ear open to make sure she was up in time ( she's 25, but once a parent, always a parent) so maybe the Dawn Rise started early.
Good luck today, Stitch.
Hope your car insurance gets sorted quickly, Bubbsie, always such a hassle.
Far too busy...far too full of her own self importance...she's needs a dam good thrashing!
Maybe if DF went to bed like a good fairy, she would keep herself to herself
Morning!🙂 4.8, NOW my Tresiba dose is fine again.:confused:

Weather forecast fried egg and chips here (sun, cloud, rain) but looks like the sun is going to dominate today, yay! Going for a walk at the beach with a friend to blow away some cobwebs.😛
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.2 today.
Good luck today Stitch. Thinking of you with everything crossed.
And someone's got a birthday today I believe? Having a lie in Amigo? :D Happy Birthday! 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.2 today.
Good luck today Stitch. Thinking of you with everything crossed.
And someone's got a birthday today I believe? Having a lie in Amigo? :D Happy Birthday! 🙂

I am indeed but many thanks for remembering Linda x

Hope Stitch's appointment is going well. I think it will this time! 🙂
A nice 5.8 for me this morning, Have a nice day wherever you are, Needless to say its still cloudy and dull here :(
Whopping 15.1 for me. I did eat bread again yesterday so that is probably the cause. I hope it comes down quickly.