Group 7-day waking average?

I got a 6.3 this morning pleased with that.
That is shame here they are one of the better courier's you get a time slot that is reasonable.
I always thought of them as one of the best too - in fact, the bloke's just been, came all the way up to the village and he was dead friendly too. Last week's chap was all excuses, oh a village, oh no impossible and left my parcel at the nearest bar 5 miles away. I guess it depends who you get - moaning Manuel or fantastic Fernando.🙄
I always thought of them as one of the best too - in fact, the bloke's just been, came all the way up to the village and he was dead friendly too. Last week's chap was all excuses, oh a village, oh no impossible and left my parcel at the nearest bar 5 miles away. I guess it depends who you get - moaning Manuel or fantastic Fernando.🙄
05.34 am - 9.4
09.04 am - 8.6
11.45am - 6.3
14.16 hrs - 7.3 😱
- and I've only had 1 cup of tea since 11.45am! Shoo away DF!

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How can it go up with just a cup of tea!? I'll never get this D malarkey. 😱 I wouldn't like to think what my bg is today, but I'm okay now and will be back on track tomorrow. After advice I have decided to get a codefree and buy my own strips, just always have loads in. I do ebay so those pennies will pay for the strips instead of me buying 100s of books. I realised I'm a bit low today when me and the cat just lay in bed after our nap staring out of the window instead of getting up and out there. I'm still pigging it for today, I can't stop in the middle of a day, it has to be tomorrow. I never said I was sane. :D Thanks peoples for your help and advice, this is a good forum.
How can it go up with just a cup of tea!? I'll never get this D malarkey. 😱 I wouldn't like to think what my bg is today, but I'm okay now and will be back on track tomorrow. After advice I have decided to get a codefree and buy my own strips, just always have loads in. I do ebay so those pennies will pay for the strips instead of me buying 100s of books. I realised I'm a bit low today when me and the cat just lay in bed after our nap staring out of the window instead of getting up and out there. I'm still pigging it for today, I can't stop in the middle of a day, it has to be tomorrow. I never said I was sane. :D Thanks peoples for your help and advice, this is a good forum.
Don't ask me Ditto - this diabetes malarkey is doing my head in too 🙄 couldn't believe it myself - was expecting a 6 or a hopeful 5.9! But no😳

Glad to hear you'll be back on track tomorrow - good on you - I know you will be true to your word - but absolutely, absolutelyn no pressure at all - a great ebay strategy there too Ditto - so well done - good thinking Batman!:D

I believe that now you are being more positive in your way of thinking you will soon produce some excellent results again all round - a bit of gardening here - a walk there - etc Your bgls have been the envy of many of us here so you know you can repeat them again.

Tomorrow is your new start date and if you dont mind me saying Ditto - ditch the fancy food & stock up with the healthy food and...... be kind & gentle with yourself. I hope you and your Codefree meter will be very happy together and see eye to eye:D Good luck chin up & take care my friend (((hugs))) xxx
Here's where I need a little advice. My blood sugars are normally high so have started a low carb diet a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have certainly noticed a difference in my readings, they have started to come down regularly. This morning it was 3.9. I have never been this low since I started testing. I am not on insulin, just take medication. Is there a point when you can start to get too low? Is 3.9 ok? For the first hour this morning I felt a little light headed (don't know if that was anything to do with the low reading or something totally different). Any thoughts?
Anything under 4 is a hypo and drinking lucazade should help there but not a lot and then retest 15 minutes later what meds are you on as there are some out there that cause hypos.

I see your on glicizade (sp) it can cause the hypos so keep an eye on your levels
Up at 3am...didn't want to be the first one posting here...thought I'd just get it case I nod off again...couldn't was 'totalled' Bank holiday Monday...likely a 'write off'...possibly that on my mind...still a 5.2 today...very best of luck to @Stitch147 with that long awaited appointment with her consultant today.
Morning all. A totally unexpected 4.6. I'd gone a little high after tea and on double checking my calculations discovered I'd underdosed by a couple of units. No correction and here we are in got to eat to drive territory. Good luck @Stitch147 and sorry to hear about the car @Bubbsie.
@Stitch147 .Good luck with your appointment today. I'm keeping everything crossed for you.
@Bubbsie Sorry to hear about your car.
Good morning folks. Well I went to bed on 8.1 with a slanted upwards arrow.
Woke up to 3.1 Which I am sorting out right now.
Northener I think a certain little DF needs sorting out. It seems she's been rather busy last night.
Morning all, 11.3 for me this morning. Thanks everyone for the support and good wishes. X
Morning all.
Good luck today Stitch.
A 4.7 for me. As a change from my normal straight line overnight, I decided to trek the Himalayas a few times between 11pm and 2am before I reached my nice flat line. Give the DF a little boot from me please Northie, she seems to be restless at the moment.
Up at 3am...didn't want to be the first one posting here...thought I'd just get it case I nod off again...couldn't was 'totalled' Bank holiday Monday...likely a 'write off'...possibly that on my mind...still a 5.2 today...very best of luck to @Stitch147 with that long awaited appointment with her consultant today.
Up at 3am...didn't want to be the first one posting here...thought I'd just get it case I nod off again...couldn't was 'totalled' Bank holiday Monday...likely a 'write off'...possibly that on my mind...still a 5.2 today...very best of luck to @Stitch147 with that long awaited appointment with her consultant today.

Blimey Bubbsie hope you got back to sleep I thought I had a rubbish night awake at 4.10 but you were even earlier than me , I did drop off again for a bit after just thinking I may aswell get up lol. Sorry to hear about your car another stress you could do without.
Sorry about your car bubbsie
Morning all.
Good luck today Stitch.
A 4.7 for me. As a change from my normal straight line overnight, I decided to trek the Himalayas a few times between 11pm and 2am before I reached my nice flat line. Give the DF a little boot from me please Northie, she seems to be restless at the moment.
I often go to a tent on the beach in the Dominican Republic for a massage in the wee small hours when I can't sleep, or into a bubble with cushions and a good view lol