Group 7-day waking average?

7.0 for this morning
Good morning all and a 4.7 for me which is a change from the high 6's. I thought my Mum was coming out of hospital but now in isolation ward with stomach bug. Apparently they lost her results from days ago so now waiting to treat her, hoping today they give her diagnose and can start helping her feel better.
Good morning all and a 4.7 for me which is a change from the high 6's. I thought my Mum was coming out of hospital but now in isolation ward with stomach bug. Apparently they lost her results from days ago so now waiting to treat her, hoping today they give her diagnose and can start helping her feel better.
Oh no sorry to hear about your mum, hope she is on the mend again soon but try to keep yourself as calm as possible too (easier said than done I know) hugs to you and your mum x
Good morning all and a 4.7 for me which is a change from the high 6's. I thought my Mum was coming out of hospital but now in isolation ward with stomach bug. Apparently they lost her results from days ago so now waiting to treat her, hoping today they give her diagnose and can start helping her feel better.
Sorry to hear about your mum. I hope they get on top of mums tummy bug soon.
They lost my doo doo 😉 sample 😱 when I was last in hospital.
Another 6.8 this morning.
Good morning all and a 4.7 for me which is a change from the high 6's. I thought my Mum was coming out of hospital but now in isolation ward with stomach bug. Apparently they lost her results from days ago so now waiting to treat her, hoping today they give her diagnose and can start helping her feel better.

Sorry to hear that about your mum NJ hopefully she will be out of hospital very soon x
Happy good afternoon Peeps!
Went to bed on a 5.4
Awoke to a 6.1🙄 not surprised!

So sorry to learn your mum has a 'hospital bug' NJ - quite common - hope it can be treated soon so mum can be discharged (((hugs))) x

Hope you all enjoyed May Day yesterday - anyone dance around the May pole?!
Take care & look after yourselves on this warm & sunny day x
Up incredibly early...couldn't sleep...quiet Bank Holiday Monday... early afternoon...expecting visitors for which was parked right outside my house...hit by another...likely to be 'written off'...despite that woke up (rather haven't slept) a idea why...stress levels at ultra high!
Aw Bubbsie just missed out on a HS - maybe tomorrow eh? It seems all is happening in your neck of the woods! Sleep deprivation catches up sooner or later then you'll crash - hope you sleep better tonight, take care x
Good morning all and a 4.7 for me which is a change from the high 6's. I thought my Mum was coming out of hospital but now in isolation ward with stomach bug. Apparently they lost her results from days ago so now waiting to treat her, hoping today they give her diagnose and can start helping her feel better.
Great to see your bgl has come down NJ - back on the right road again - take care x
Delighted after starting the day with 5.9
11.1 for me this morning. 12.2 yesterday - had a busy day and didn't get on here.
11.1 for me this morning. 12.2 yesterday - had a busy day and didn't get on here.
Wondered why I saw nothing from you yesterday lol, glad to see your numbers are lowering 🙂 x
I know it's a stand alone sort of, but just checked and BG is 6.6. Befoe tea, so really pleased

Hope your mum gets her treatment soon nj, and to everyone else, welldone
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