Group 7-day waking average?

Happy good Wednesday morning peeps! The sun is scorching our eyes out here too 🙂

Went to bed on a 5.7
Woke up to a 5.8 I'm happy with this.:D

Have a great day folks and start an epidemic of smiling (if you can) and set the tone for others - it cheers them up - see them smile in return - it's rewarding 🙂
Happy good Wednesday morning peeps! The sun is scorching our eyes out here too 🙂

Went to bed on a 5.7
Woke up to a 5.8 I'm happy with this.:D

Have a great day folks and start an epidemic of smiling (if you can) and set the tone for others - it cheers them up - see them smile in return - it's rewarding 🙂
What is the sun?
Happy good Wednesday morning peeps! The sun is scorching our eyes out here too 🙂

Went to bed on a 5.7
Woke up to a 5.8 I'm happy with this.:D

Have a great day folks and start an epidemic of smiling (if you can) and set the tone for others - it cheers them up - see them smile in return - it's rewarding 🙂

Oh gawd you're cheerful today wirralass! Today I'll rise if I must but ain't freaking happening! :D

Got the Orthopedic Surgeon this afternoon about the badly busted shoulder. Not expecting many answers because he said surgery 'would be like sewing wet paper together' so it's a case of living with it! Such is life folks! o_O
I was 9.1 this morning, so back to the drawing board for me too. Clearly the DF was in action in two places at once last night. Perhaps @Northerner could make her fly through the air again in the direction of the wall, if he can stand the language,
Maybe DF needs a little help in reaching the wall...a baseball bat, say.🙄
And another 6.8 is my meter stuck 🙄
Oh gawd you're cheerful today wirralass! Today I'll rise if I must but ain't freaking happening! :D

Got the Orthopedic Surgeon this afternoon about the badly busted shoulder. Not expecting many answers because he said surgery 'would be like sewing wet paper together' so it's a case of living with it! Such is life folks! o_O
Just logged on - Aw Amigo I do hope your Orthopaedic Surgeon will give you some good news - even a tad just to give you some hope (((hugs)))
Life sucks! 😛 You've enough on your plate as it is. Take care hun. x
Just logged on - Aw Amigo I do hope your Orthopaedic Surgeon will give you some good news - even a tad just to give you some hope (((hugs)))
Life sucks! 😛 You've enough on your plate as it is. Take care hun. x

Just back from there wirralass. He was absolutely lovely and gave me every possible resistance and physical test on my arm/shoulder. Unfortunately, due to the increased risks with me, surgery isn't an option so I just keep on exercising it, taking painkillers as necessary and hope it doesn't get any worse. It's what I expected so just getting on with it now. My juggling days are over! :D Thanks for your supportive words x
Just back from there wirralass. He was absolutely lovely and gave me every possible resistance and physical test on my arm/shoulder. Unfortunately, due to the increased risks with me, surgery isn't an option so I just keep on exercising it, taking painkillers as necessary and hope it doesn't get any worse. It's what I expected so just getting on with it now. My juggling days are over! :D Thanks for your supportive words x
I hope that it doesn't get any worse for you.
Just back from there wirralass. He was absolutely lovely and gave me every possible resistance and physical test on my arm/shoulder. Unfortunately, due to the increased risks with me, surgery isn't an option so I just keep on exercising it, taking painkillers as necessary and hope it doesn't get any worse. It's what I expected so just getting on with it now. My juggling days are over! :D Thanks for your supportive words x
I'm truly so sorry to here this Amigo - a big blow I'm sure even tho you had expected it - i know you're a fighter but I guess there are limits as to how much you can take - keeping your arm & shoulder moving with the exercises will prevent it from stiffening which is what you don't need - chin up if you can Amigo and take care x
Woke up at 13 today not a good night but hey tomorrow's another day!
Got to get those numbers lower Ingressus - but slowly does it
It's clear you get your positive spirit from her Amanda, good to hear she is home 🙂

Good morning, A House Special 5.2 for me today! 🙂 Haven't had one of those for donkey's years! 🙂
Sorry Northie only just reading through this thread again - congrats on your HS - hope you have more of this number x
Good morning 🙂 4.0 for me and relentless cramp under my plaster cast so been hopping around swearing for the past few hours. Apologies for any bad language floating about 😳😱
I thought an itch on any limb in plaster was bad enough - but to have cramp must be a nightnare for you Flower - hope you don't suffer anymore cramps like that, take care x
Aw grovesy hasn't that strange yellow object in the sky come out yet for you & your plants - hope it shines for you tomorrow - and everyone else too :D x
Not today, my greenhouse temperature did not even reach 20 today and the forecast is for the same tomorrow.