Group 7-day waking average? early start this morning...unplanned...woke to a 5.2 today.
Happy good morning peeps!

Not very surprised to wake up to a 9.4 😱 Now going to crawl on all fours & very slowly to the naughty step with head hung low! :( Have never woken to such a high number. Gerroff me DF😡

Hope you all have good numbers folks - enjoy your day whatever you will be doing & wherever you may be x
Happy good morning peeps!

Not very surprised to wake up to a 9.4 😱 Now going to crawl on all fours & very slowly to the naughty step with head hung low! :( Have never woken to such a high number. Gerroff me DF😡

Hope you all have good numbers folks - enjoy your day whatever you will be doing & wherever you may be x
Hope you get a better number tomorrow @wirralass 🙂 The DF has been introduced to my boot and three out of four walls! 😱 😉
Hope you get a better number tomorrow @wirralass 🙂 The DF has been introduced to my boot and three out of four walls! 😱 😉
Thanks Northie - so do I - & good riddance to that modom of a DF 😱- I know the reason my number was high - I had an unplanned very late evening meal - nothing naughty but a lesson learned! x
Thanks Northie - so do I - & good riddance to that modom of a DF 😱- I know the reason my number was high - I had an unplanned very late evening meal - nothing naughty but a lesson learned! x
So what WL...if needed you get have a hall least you know to remedy ...refocus!
Could I join you on the 5.1 step please Hazel.
A 6.8 today, Dull, Damp, Grey and cold here again today, I want my Spring back!
Had a few days of rubbish results in the 6s but yesterday was 5.5 and this morning it's 5.4 so it's heading in the right direction again
Hey they're all still good numbers A - mine was 9.4 this morning😱😱😱
WL x