Group 7-day waking average?

11.2 for me today, but I was woken up with a anxiety attack, no idea why, so that might be the reason for the slight rise on the last couple of days.
11.2 for me today, but I was woken up with a anxiety attack, no idea why, so that might be the reason for the slight rise on the last couple of days.
Not so good but still lower than what you've been experiencing lately, keep up the good work 🙂 x
8.5 for me this morning - must do better I hear the doctor saying
8.0 for me think my meters stuck that number the now.

Davo the morning one is last one to lower so don't panic just yet.
Happy good Bank Holiday Saturday afternoon Peeps!

@Kaylz - shove over it was a 6.0 for me too🙂

My meter said it was a good sign
when yesterdays waking was a five nine.
With seven one last night
I declare with delight
today's six upon waking is just dandy & fine!

Have a great Bank Holiday folks - hope the sun shines for you all. Take care x
Thank you everyone for the good wishes about Mum. She got home Thursday. I really admire her positive attitude although she has a lot to put up with health wise.. Fortunately Mark has a long weekend so he has been taking me out to keep me cheerful - although I may have had a bit too much vodka yesterday. After some vodka cocktails my attempts to get get off of the sofa in the bar were rather comical 🙂
Thank you everyone for the good wishes about Mum. She got home Thursday. I really admire her positive attitude although she has a lot to put up with health wise.. Fortunately Mark has a long weekend so he has been taking me out to keep me cheerful - although I may have had a bit too much vodka yesterday. After some vodka cocktails my attempts to get get off of the sofa in the bar were rather comical 🙂
Good to hear your mum has been discharged from hospital AJ and enjoying her home comforts once again. No doubt a worrying & anxious time for you. Glad you have the support of Mark to lift your spirits - and glad the spirits are keeping yours uplifted! x
Thank you everyone for the good wishes about Mum. She got home Thursday. I really admire her positive attitude although she has a lot to put up with health wise.. Fortunately Mark has a long weekend so he has been taking me out to keep me cheerful - although I may have had a bit too much vodka yesterday. After some vodka cocktails my attempts to get get off of the sofa in the bar were rather comical 🙂
It's clear you get your positive spirit from her Amanda, good to hear she is home 🙂

Good morning, A House Special 5.2 for me today! 🙂 Haven't had one of those for donkey's years! 🙂
8.5 for me this morning - must do better I hear the doctor saying
Agree with Dolly...the waking number is usually the last to come down...doing the best you can...all you can'll be there soon enough!
Morning...a very late night...a very early start (unplanned)...couldn't sleep...woke to a 4.8...tested again...still in the 4's...little concerned...not been terribly well disciplined recently...wouldn't say I am eating brilliantly (still on the Kit Kats before bed...I do not in any way recommend that unholy practice😱😱😱)...yet... quite a drop for me...never been in the 4.s before...just wondering if my new meter is up to scratch...paranoid or what?
Thank you everyone for the good wishes about Mum. She got home Thursday. I really admire her positive attitude although she has a lot to put up with health wise.. Fortunately Mark has a long weekend so he has been taking me out to keep me cheerful - although I may have had a bit too much vodka yesterday. After some vodka cocktails my attempts to get get off of the sofa in the bar were rather comical 🙂
Made me laugh Amanda...sounds like exactly what you needed...thankful to hear your Mum is home...must be a great relief for you & your family.
It's clear you get your positive spirit from her Amanda, good to hear she is home 🙂

Good morning, A House Special 5.2 for me today! 🙂 Haven't had one of those for donkey's years! 🙂
Bingo Alan!
Thank you everyone for the good wishes about Mum. She got home Thursday. I really admire her positive attitude although she has a lot to put up with health wise.. Fortunately Mark has a long weekend so he has been taking me out to keep me cheerful - although I may have had a bit too much vodka yesterday. After some vodka cocktails my attempts to get get off of the sofa in the bar were rather comical 🙂
Really glad for you that your mum is home. And although vodka is my least favourite drink, have been there with the struggles to get my body to move from the chair or wherever, so had a wee giggle at your comments. Keep your spirits up
Morning all, a rather spectacular 14.3 for me today!