Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning guys 🙂 6.1 here from an 8.2 last night 🙂 x
Morning gang, a 10.3 for me today. Roll on lunchtime when I can leave the office and start the long weekend. After all it is POETS day.
Good morning all and a 6.2 for me after another long day in the hospital. Today is a day for me, catching up with work emails and resting! Thanks everyone for your wonderful support, love this amazing forum.
Good morning 🙂 and pleased with 6.8 today. I think for me to keep BG down I have to lower calories drastically which is fine to lose a few pounds too. Doing that means carbs are reduced too. Well that's my theory 🙂
Morning...6.7 today... little bit high for idea what happened...remember I was baking last night...the rest is a blur😳😳😳.
A 6.3 for me this morning, Lowest yesterday 5.6 highest 6.8 really pleased with those numbers.
Morning all. 5.5 @ 4.47 woke refreshed but too early. I wish I could sleep longer, they say you're more at risk of dementia if you don't get a full 8 hours to wash your brain clean. 🙄
Morning all. 5.5 @ 4.47 woke refreshed but too early. I wish I could sleep longer, they say you're more at risk of dementia if you don't get a full 8 hours to wash your brain clean. 🙄
No hope for me then, I've had insomnia since my late teens.
Morning all. 5.5 @ 4.47 woke refreshed but too early. I wish I could sleep longer, they say you're more at risk of dementia if you don't get a full 8 hours to wash your brain clean. 🙄

That and drinking Diet Coke apparently Ditto! 🙄

My mum could sleep the clock round (still can) and she has dementia.

I put these theories in the same category as the cures for cancer, diabetes and the common cold! :D
8.0 for me this am. Wish it was lower but I was snacking again at silly o'clock
Morning...6.7 today... little bit high for idea what happened...remember I was baking last night...the rest is a blur😳😳😳.
Licking the bowl also counts
Good morning 🙂 5.6 for me today 🙂 I was 5.4 on the Libre before getting out of bed, but it showed 6.9 when I tested at the same time as the blood test 5 minutes later - I think all the sugar must have fallen out of my head and gone into my arm when I stood up 🙄
Good morning 🙂 5.6 for me today 🙂 I was 5.4 on the Libre before getting out of bed, but it showed 6.9 when I tested at the same time as the blood test 5 minutes later - I think all the sugar must have fallen out of my head and gone into my arm when I stood up 🙄
Why's your head full of sugar? Did you literally have 'sweet dreams'?🙄

Mornin!🙂 6.2 here.😛

Well, after basal testing 3 quarters of my day, I'm happy with my Tresiba dose. And I've learned what it's like to be REALLY hungry.😱:confused:

Enjoy the bank holiday folks.:D