Group 7-day waking average?

Sparkling blue skies and a hard frost this morning, A 6.1 for me.
Morning peeps. It's a 5.2 for me today, despite going to bed on almost 9 after miscalculating and under bolusing for dinner 🙄. Mr Lantus did his normal job of quickly bringing me down to low 5s where I stayed all night.
Morning all.🙂 10.3 here - who knows why?! 🙄

Morning basal testing atm - trying to focus on how it'll feel to know my basal's set correctly once my testing's over (not on bacon sarnies, scrambled eggs on toast, a big mug of coffee, Krispy Kreme doughnuts...ahhh!).

Enjoy the random weather ev1.😛
Good morning all 🙂 another 5.3 @ 5.09am.

I've just done a very silly thing. After being good last night and just having korma and salad which was allowed on Atkins, I then had Indian left-overs for breakfast as I can't bear waste. My bg has gone to 9.7!
I am quite shocked but it has been a BIG wake-up call. I will now go for a walk to try and disperse the glucose agh how could I be so stupid? I have to get over this waste thing and just give everything to the birdies and squirrels.
Morning...a small lay in this I needed it...5.7 today.
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11.7. Mum went into hospital on Monday under the impression that they could help her. She got told yesterday that there is nothing more that they can do for her and she will be discharged today. Devastating news.
Sorry to read your awful news about your mum. {hugs} and thinking of you. Carol
Good morning all 🙂 another 5.3 @ 5.09am.

I've just done a very silly thing. After being good last night and just having korma and salad which was allowed on Atkins, I then had Indian left-overs for breakfast as I can't bear waste. My bg has gone to 9.7!
I am quite shocked but it has been a BIG wake-up call. I will now go for a walk to try and disperse the glucose agh how could I be so stupid? I have to get over this waste thing and just give everything to the birdies and squirrels.
Just think of a bucket with a lid and a big sign crossed out with your name on it. Be nice to birdies week, they need the carbs
Morning guys 🙂 6.4 for me induced by a lotus biscuit and square of 90% at bed time (too low with a 5.5) x
Morning all. 9.1 for me this morning.levels creeping down nicely
Good morning everyone. I'm very pleased with this . 20170427_075456.jpgOops sorry your having to c rain your necks.
Morning all, its all the ones for me again today 11.1.
Good morning all 🙂 and very pleased to be sharing 6.5 with you khskel! Must admit I've eaten very few carbs for 2 days. And no cheese and only one coffee with cream so my calorie intake has dropped too. Hence weight down too.
Good morning all and 6.4 for me after another high day yesterday. Good news is my Mum is now in high dependency unit and has come back to her normal reality after not even recognising me for a few days. Now to get her moving and eating again, and she can move to normal ward. I am far less worried now.
Morning peeps. It's a 5.2 for me today, despite going to bed on almost 9 after miscalculating and under bolusing for dinner 🙄. Mr Lantus did his normal job of quickly bringing me down to low 5s where I stayed all night.
Congratulations on the House Special! 🙂

Good morning all and 6.4 for me after another high day yesterday. Good news is my Mum is now in high dependency unit and has come back to her normal reality after not even recognising me for a few days. Now to get her moving and eating again, and she can move to normal ward. I am far less worried now.
Excellent news 🙂 I hope her recovery continues well 🙂
That's very reassuring to hear your mum is doing so well New Journey. The worst is over now 🙂