Group 7-day waking average?

Very sorry about your mum AJ {hugs}
A 6.3 today. From snow yesterday, to bright blue skies and sunshine today.
Thinking of you Amanda. X

Morning gang, a 10 for me today. Not long now until my hospital appointment.
Good morning 🙂 4.1 today and 4.1 last night with a straight line overnight and no hypos! I didn't eat anything last evening for a meal as I wasn't hungry. So after nearly 40 years I've cracked it.... on the days I don't follow @Northerner advice to run a half marathon, I just don't eat and hey presto steady, low glucose readings. Easy peasy 😉 😉

Amanda thinking of you and your family x
Good morning 🙂 4.1 today and 4.1 last night with a straight line overnight and no hypos! I didn't eat anything last evening for a meal as I wasn't hungry. So after nearly 40 years I've cracked it.... on the days I don't follow @Northerner advice to run a half marathon, I just don't eat and hey presto steady, low glucose readings. Easy peasy 😉 😉
I wonder if NICE will write this into their recommendations? 😱 😉 Actually, that's pretty impressive 🙂 Weren't you worried about being so low before bed though?
Weren't you worried about being so low before bed though?

My cgm and bg results were a flat line in the 4's for a good few hours so I took a gamble and went to bed - I did reduce my basal to 50% for 3 hours from midnight to 3am as an experiment. I wouldn't usually go to bed that low but I decided to try it and see what happened.

Pretty sure NICE will be interested in such proven practices 😉🙂
A first in the 5's for me this morning with a 5.9 🙂
Sorry to hear about your mum AJ. I had a 12.5 this morning, but that was probably down to the silly lemonade mistake yesterday evening.
Morning peeps 🙂 i was 5.8 at 6:40 🙂 I'm so sorry to hear about your mum @AJLang my thoughts are with you and sending you big hugs xxx
Good morning all 🙂 5.3 @ 7.51am.

Yes, very sorry to hear about your mum AJ
A rather late Happy good Wednesday morning peeps!

Went to bed on a 5.3 - woke to a 6.3 ........not too bad considering....

@Ljc - poor you hope you start to feel better soon x

Enjoy your afternoon folks doing whatever takes your fancy x
11.7. Mum went into hospital on Monday under the impression that they could help her. She got told yesterday that there is nothing more that they can do for her and she will be discharged today. Devastating news.
Amanda I'm truly sorry to hear your devastating news - my heart goes out to you and your mum - you take care now (((hugs for strength))) J xxx
In a moment of weakness...a Milky Bar...followed by a Kit Kat (four fingers) last night...woke to a very surprising 5.8...go figure?.
Hey Bubbs good number - I'll have what your eating please! I reckon our DF was busy dropping in on some other folk last night - lucky you got away with it, take care x
6.5 for me this am
Good morning 🙂 6.<cough> for me today - I was 6.0 on the Libre before getting out of bed, then 6.6 by the time I got downstairs! 🙄 I have been around 5.0 for the entire night. The Libre really illustrates how the Dawn Phenomenon gets going for me 😱