Group 7-day waking average?

Again 8.1 "sigh"

How long does it take for alcohol to come out of your system again????
Morning all.🙂 7.0 here.🙂

Good luck at the clot clinic, Bubbs. 🙂
Thank you Bloden...just back...levels stable...three weeks before the next appointment...result.
That's good news Barbara
Happy good Tuesday afternoon Peeps!

7.1 for me today - not much of a dip from 7.6 last night!!!
DF thank you NOT for visiting some of us last night - Shooo away with you!

Hope you are all as well as you can be folks and enjoy the remainder of the day x
Thank you Bloden...just back...levels stable...three weeks before the next appointment...result.

That's good news Bubbsie. Been a tough week but some results for you 🙂

My blood pressure decided to go through the roof last night. No idea why but I'm suspecting my kidneys are implicated. Always something! 😳
Morning...couldn't sleep...hoping that will settle down...6.4 today (yuk)...blame it on the adrenalin...clot clinic this morning...hoping for a 3...roll that dice!
Bubbsie I'm sure you'll soon settle back into your usual routine - 6.4 good number - pleased to see Clinic went well today with your blood clot levels stable well done, take care. x
Good morning folks. It's a bight sunny one here.
Woke up a couple of hours later than I usually do 🙂 , feeling as if I've been out on the tiles all night :( .
5.1 today.
One shy of a HS Ljc - shame but maybe tomorrow x
6.2 yesterday and 5.6 today. Morning all. 🙂

Snowing? Agh. I have all my sheets blowing in the gentle breeze in the sun. Snow is not allowed...only at Christmas. :D
@Ditto - back in the 5's again - well done.
Bubbsie I'm sure you'll soon settle back into your usual routine - 6.4 good number - pleased to see Clinic went well today with your blood clot levels stable well done, take care. x
Three whole weeks before the next one WL...feels like a holiday!
10.5 for me today, so a big step in the right direction, and the first time my waking has been lower than my night time reading. Doc upped me to 2 tablets in the evening.
Great number Lorraine - coming down slowly - that's the way to do it x
That's good news Bubbsie. Been a tough week but some results for you 🙂

My blood pressure decided to go through the roof last night. No idea why but I'm suspecting my kidneys are implicated. Always something! 😳
Bugger Amigo...get one thing resolved...then...bang...may be just a transient least you'll be able to monitor it...hoping those kidneys are not implicated...let us know.
Good morning 🙂 Haven't slept in this late for months! 😱 5.9 for me today 🙂
Hi Northie - no harm lying in later than usual - I reckon tiz your body telling you that you still need to rest to overcome Sundays successful event, hope you've got your legs back now! Take care
WL x
Morning lovelies 🙂 7.4 here and very cold and snowing I'm not looking forward to venturing out today, good luck at the clinic @Bubbsie xx
Root out those wellies Kaylz - can't have you slipping or falling over in this inclement weather, take care x
Morning all, 6 9 here, went to bed a bit higher to avoid a repeat of previous night's hypos, reduction in basal seems to have worked now it's kicked in. ( thank you, Mr. Slow Lantus)
Got the hang of it now eh Robin good for you, take care x
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Three whole weeks before the next one WL...feels like a holiday!
Sorry I wasn't awake in time to wish you good luck Bubbs - late night - 3wks til next clinic? Wow that's good news - methinks you deserve a holiday after recent events, take care x
That's good news Bubbsie. Been a tough week but some results for you 🙂

My blood pressure decided to go through the roof last night. No idea why but I'm suspecting my kidneys are implicated. Always something! 😳
Hoping that's not the case Amigo - rest up today if you can to bring your B/P down, take care hun x