Group 7-day waking average?

That's a decent number A nowt to worry about - you know how to achieve lower numbers - was it a hectic weekend overloaded with beer wine & delicious crumpets?

Wedding Anniversary, so 2 posh restaurants, big breakfasts, not a lot of exercise and not a lot of water, oh and few bottles of red, white, prosecco and a couple of G&Ts :D😛:D
Wedding Anniversary, so 2 posh restaurants, big breakfasts, not a lot of exercise and not a lot of water, oh and few bottles of red, white, prosecco and a couple of G&Ts :D😛:D
Wonderful way to celebrate a Wedding Anniversary - assuming its yours - Congratulations A - may you enjoy many more years to come with much happiness good health joy & wealth x
Morning...couldn't sleep...hoping that will settle down...6.4 today (yuk)...blame it on the adrenalin...clot clinic this morning...hoping for a 3...roll that dice!
Morning all 4.9/4.9 for me after going to bed on a 10.4. Still trying to get my tea time ratio/ timings right so I can get away with a single jab. Looks like I'm going to have to cut down on the basal again as well .Interesting life innit. Have a good day all.
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.2 today. Snow Greyhound Gal? 😱 That's just not on!
Good luck at clinic today Bubbsie. Everything crossed for the magic 3 🙂
Good morning folks. It's a bight sunny one here.
Woke up a couple of hours later than I usually do 🙂 , feeling as if I've been out on the tiles all night :( .
5.1 today.
Morning lovelies 🙂 7.4 here and very cold and snowing I'm not looking forward to venturing out today, good luck at the clinic @Bubbsie xx
6.2 yesterday and 5.6 today. Morning all. 🙂

Snowing? Agh. I have all my sheets blowing in the gentle breeze in the sun. Snow is not allowed...only at Christmas. :D
Lovely sunny morning and you can all keep your snow! 7.4 for me today
Morning all, its all the ones for me today, 11.1.
Morning all from snowy, freezing Leven. 10.3 at 0645 then down to 8.6 at 0832 after coffee and a wee lie in with my book. Have a good day all and stay warm (I'm chittering just now but porridge will heat me up)
Hope you get the result your after Bubbsie.

No snow here thankfully but have a mixture of rain wind and hailstones.
10.5 for me today, so a big step in the right direction, and the first time my waking has been lower than my night time reading. Doc upped me to 2 tablets in the evening.