Group 7-day waking average?

Good chunky kit kat recovery Lin...just saw your post from yesterday...made me smile...had 'one of those days'...indulged...2 bars of Kit Kat...the four fingered ones...followed later by several squares of Milky Bar...supper was fish...chip shop fish...dreading my BG levels this morning...relieved to score a 6.5...
That's an excellent result!
Good morning from sunny Leven. Really pleased with 7.7 this morning. New tablets working, but I also was more focused on what I ate yesterday. Have a lovely Sunday everyone
I see those exclamation points of frustration Barbara!!!...couldn't tell you what kind of punctuation I wanted to use when I started off...the waking bloods do take a while to come down...usually the last to behave themselves....mine did...keep at it...once 'Betty' knows you mean business...she'll realise she needs to retreat...enjoy your day.

You are reading me so well Bubbsie, yes very !!!! this morning lol Have a good day yourself x
Good morning all 🙂 A very lucky 6.9 this morning which is totally amazing as I had a big bar of cadburys chocolate last night so really don't deserve it. Makes no sense either but it's the first time I've been in the 6's for ages. Maybe that's the way to go! :D
7.1 Saturday and 6.8 this morning after drinking cocktails all weekend with water in between.
Happy good afternoon Peeps!

Seems last night everyone went bananas eating & drinking all sorts including myself - Choc eclair choc magnum ice-cream & choc swirl + half Bottle white😱
But I didn't escape the DF - it was a 7.4 for me after getting up late 🙄
Back on the straight & narrow today!

Hope it's as sunny where you are as it is here - enjoy the remainder of what's left of this weekend folks 🙂
WL x
6.6 after eating crackers at 11 last night, so not too bad. I wish everyone a wonderful Sunday.
Good number NJ - better than mine (7.4) but I did rather over indulge last night with chocolate stuff and white wine 😱

I trust you find your mum feeling a little better this afternoon with less or no more halucinations.

I recall seeing a massive spider once when I was ill, just above the bedroom door frame - and I mean massive massive - one of those that had a bulbous body & very thin legs - even in my frame of mind at the time I couldnt believe it & had to dismiss it but i did cover my head with the duvet and hoped it would be gone by the time I emerged again - it was no laughing matter but I can laugh :D about it now - hallucinations play havoc with our minds sometimes, particularly when we're administered strong medications.
((((Big hugs for you & your mum)))) thinking of you both, take care hun x
13.3 for me this morning, did lie in until 11, so a slight improvement, but 9.1 last night so nearly at the target 8 my GP gave me. Does seem like sleep is bad for me.
@Grannylorraine Good to hear you're making progress Lorraine - you'll get there - I empathise with you regarding your sleep but you need sleep to function - try to be patient with yourself, take care x
My last 3 mornings have been 6.2/6.8/6.8 so I'm really pleased with those.
6.1 @ 7.18am...I hates being in the 6s. :(
6.1 @ 7.18am...I hates being in the 6s. :(
You'll get back into the 5's again Ditto - you always do. As for your query - Prunes are made from plums and in exchsnge for the word prune are often referred to as "dried plums". While dried plums are naturally rich in fibre, like all other dried fruit, they are high in calories and sugar because they are concentrated. One dried plum, which is tiny in size, contain about 23 calories whereas one whole fresh plum contains only 30 calories for as much larger volume of fruit.
1 prune = 4.77g net carbs; 3.20g sugar; 0.6g fiber; Total carbs 5.37g
Stewed prunes: 83.16g net carbs; Total carbs 83.1g
Prunes in heavy syrup pack: 56.15g carbs; 8.9g fibre; Total carbs 65.05g
There's more Nutritional Value for prunes on:-

WL x
Morning...just about to post...realised needed to test first...before I could do that...hold on...6.3 this morning.