Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, 5.4 after long day yesterday. Mum's operation was success and I was with her as she slowly woke up over hours. So glad I could support her. Thanks for all your good wishes and support, did overdo it yesterday as stayed so late missed my train, then had hypo, sister wouldn't pick me up so got expensive taxi. Oh well new day, back to hospital later, have good day everyone.
Hi NJ - I'm so pleased to hear your mum's operation was successful and that she is slowly recovering from it - sorry to hear tho of how your evening transpired + hypo - it couldn't have happened on a worse night - you really could have done without the hassle - poor you - & families who'd av em? No disrespect - hope you find a chance to relax & gather your momentum before you revisit your mum. Take care & look after yourself too x
Good morning all, 5.4 after long day yesterday. Mum's operation was success and I was with her as she slowly woke up over hours. So glad I could support her. Thanks for all your good wishes and support, did overdo it yesterday as stayed so late missed my train, then had hypo, sister wouldn't pick me up so got expensive taxi. Oh well new day, back to hospital later, have good day everyone.
So pleased to hear your Mum is doing well after her op, such a worrying time for you though. Do try to look after yourself, you are important too as suspect Mum will need some help/support for a while when she gets home.
Good morning everyone. I am most supprised to only be 6.4 after my act of pure stupidity at around 1am. My dad is now short of 1 bar of chunky Kit Kat. I'm mad at myself.
Don't be Ljc - sometimes we throw caution to the wind.......
A 6.4 for me after a lie in after a crampy night.

Glad to hear your mum is much better @New-journey 🙂

The DF sounds to have been out on the lash last night causing havoc like a drunken hen night! 😡
Mike's gone for the papers Amigo - and there's creamy triple layer choccy cake on the menu - hurry up before it goes!!!
6.2 for me this morning. Quite high for me I think but I've been pigging out as usual so can't complain at that. Had half a large can of prunes and juice before bed. 😱 I'm back on Atkins from this morning as put 8 pounds on. :confused:
6.2 for me this morning. Quite high for me I think but I've been pigging out as usual so can't complain at that. Had half a large can of prunes and juice before bed. 😱 I'm back on Atkins from this morning as put 8 pounds on. :confused:
Did it work Ditto? 😱
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The prunes worked very well! :D So sweet I shouldn't have been having them!
Good morning everyone. 4.9 and a lovely even line all night 🙂
Good morning everyone. 4.9 and a lovely even line all night 🙂
Good chunky kit kat recovery Lin...just saw your post from yesterday...made me smile...had 'one of those days'...indulged...2 bars of Kit Kat...the four fingered ones...followed later by several squares of Milky Bar...supper was fish...chip shop fish...dreading my BG levels this morning...relieved to score a 6.5...
Good chunky kit kat recovery Lin...just saw your post from yesterday...made me smile...had 'one of those days'...indulged...2 bars of Kit Kat...the four fingered ones...followed later by several squares of Milky Bar...supper was fish...chip shop fish...dreading my BG levels this morning...relieved to score a 6.5...

Blimey Bubbsie great result after all that indulgence, sometimes it has to be done lol
Morning it's an 8.9 for me !!!
I see those exclamation points of frustration Barbara!!!...couldn't tell you what kind of punctuation I wanted to use when I started off...the waking bloods do take a while to come down...usually the last to behave themselves....mine did...keep at it...once 'Betty' knows you mean business...she'll realise she needs to retreat...enjoy your day.
Morning guys 🙂. 5.9 for me but quite worked up last night when I tested 10.6 wasn't sure whether to correct or not, I didn't well looks like it's a good job I didn't x
Hi NJ - I'm so pleased to hear your mum's operation was successful and that she is slowly recovering from it - sorry to hear tho of how your evening transpired + hypo - it couldn't have happened on a worse night - you really could have done without the hassle - poor you - & families who'd av em? No disrespect - hope you find a chance to relax & gather your momentum before you revisit your mum. Take care & look after yourself too x
Thanks for your support and understanding, and another long day yesterday, Mum needing lots of reassurance as having hallucinations and pain. I am relaxing here this morning and then going back.
So pleased to hear your Mum is doing well after her op, such a worrying time for you though. Do try to look after yourself, you are important too as suspect Mum will need some help/support for a while when she gets home.
Thanks, You are so right! This morning going to lie on sofa, watching missed tv, relaxing, doing some yoga, then this afternoon I will go back.