Group 7-day waking average?

Morning peeps 🙂 6.5 for me, won't be around much today as have OH's grans funeral so will catch up on everything tonight x
Morning all. 4.7 this morning.
Ready for the big 'switch on' @Northerner ?:D
Sorry to hear about grandma @Kaylz, I hope the day goes well and you give her a good send off {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks hun, hoping it brightens up soon as at the moment it's a bit dull and cold x
Morning all. 4.7 this morning.
Ready for the big 'switch on' @Northerner ?:D
Hehe! I've been tempted to connect with the hive mind all morning, but will wait until the afternoon, I'm quite disciplined 🙂 It survived the first night and the first shower and stayed stuck - I suppose I'll get more confident about it not falling off as the days go by 🙂
Hehe! I've been tempted to connect with the hive mind all morning, but will wait until the afternoon, I'm quite disciplined 🙂 It survived the first night and the first shower and stayed stuck - I suppose I'll get more confident about it not falling off as the days go by 🙂
I can wait to read your first impressions. I trust you will be as happy as I am with mine.
Morning all, 9.1 for me today.
Sorry, Bubbsie, didn't notice your post till this morning and I'll certainly look into it a bit further. I don't know if you read my earlier post about this.

I can'tremember exactly what my cholesterol was but It was 6. something. My doctor spoke to me about it prior to my diabetic diagnosis but said that he wan't too concerned because a good % of my cholesterol was 'good' cholesterol. It was the nurse at my HbA1c who raised the issue and asked me to consider going on to statins and let her know at my next appointment.

This seems to kind of fall in line with what you are saying. Thanks for the info.
Hi Browser...hadn't seen this...odd...GP satisfied with your cholesterol...DSN not...would discuss it with your GP...ask them to give you a risk assessment...if you are not comfortable with statins...outline your concerns...same patient...same practice...why the different approach...shouldn't interested to hear how this is read as much as you can...really is fascinating...will help you to take a greater degree of control ..good luck.
Ooh...up late for me this morning...could be celebrating my small victory with the local Clinical Commissioning Group...who in response to my letter... have grudgingly accepted my GP can prescribe my testing strips...and continue to do so...would like to encourage all those who are in a similar position to do likewise...ask CCGS justify their policy...not difficult...could even draw up a standard letter... a 6.4 for me today...think about it people!
Ooh...up late for me this morning...could be celebrating my small victory with the local Clinical Commissioning Group...who in response to my letter... have grudgingly accepted my GP can prescribe my testing strips...and continue to do so...would like to encourage all those who are in a similar position to do likewise...ask CCGS justify their policy...not difficult...could even draw up a standard letter... a 6.4 for me today...think about it people!
Great news.
Ooh...up late for me this morning...could be celebrating my small victory with the local Clinical Commissioning Group...who in response to my letter... have grudgingly accepted my GP can prescribe my testing strips...and continue to do so...would like to encourage all those who are in a similar position to do likewise...ask CCGS justify their policy...not difficult...could even draw up a standard letter... a 6.4 for me today...think about it people!

I'll certainly be doing it if I encounter a problem but don't want to poke the hornet's nest whilst it's buzzing peacefully at the moment. It's clear they'll consider on a case by case basis but the issue is wider for all type 2's.

Well done on your personal victory with them Bubbsie 🙂
I'll certainly be doing it if I encounter a problem but don't want to poke the hornet's nest whilst it's buzzing peacefully at the moment. It's clear they'll consider on a case by case basis but the issue is wider for all type 2's.

Well done on your personal victory with them Bubbsie 🙂
Understandable Amigo...took a tactical decision here...GP had agreed to prescribe...they had not responded...waiting to see if they intervened without first responding...without raising any objections...despite being on notice...was kind of looking forward to giving them a good 'run for their money'...if that occurred...challenge...they came in at the last a small victory...albeit a Pyrrhic one...thank you.
Ooh...up late for me this morning...could be celebrating my small victory with the local Clinical Commissioning Group...who in response to my letter... have grudgingly accepted my GP can prescribe my testing strips...and continue to do so...would like to encourage all those who are in a similar position to do likewise...ask CCGS justify their policy...not difficult...could even draw up a standard letter... a 6.4 for me today...think about it people!

Great result Bubbsie