Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.3 this morning.
Understandable Amigo...took a tactical decision here...GP had agreed to prescribe...they had not responded...waiting to see if they intervened without first responding...without raising any objections...despite being on notice...was kind of looking forward to giving them a good 'run for their money'...if that occurred...challenge...they came in at the last a small victory...albeit a Pyrrhic one...thank you.

I've been receiving testing strips and lancets for 2 yrs now Bubbsie and I'm not sure the CCG automatically intervene with individual GP decisions. If they have in my case, I haven't been made aware.
You're right in saying that this is a much wider issue and sadly some people will feel powerless or not have the wherewithal to know how to challenge. I'm wondering if there is even a consistent policy on prescribing or whether GP's actually have some discretion.
There's lots of variations in policy and geographical location it seems. I almost have a worry that by alerting them in my area, they'll pull the funding on all type Two eligibility! 😱

Hopefully DUK will adopt and pursue this campaign robustly as a key preventative issue. Your personal success is to be applauded 🙂
I've been receiving testing strips and lancets for 2 yrs now Bubbsie and I'm not sure the CCG automatically intervene with individual GP decisions. If they have in my case, I haven't been made aware.
You're right in saying that this is a much wider issue and sadly some people will feel powerless or not have the wherewithal to know how to challenge. I'm wondering if there is even a consistent policy on prescribing or whether GP's actually have some discretion.
There's lots of variations in policy and geographical location it seems. I almost have a worry that by alerting them in my area, they'll pull the funding on all type Two eligibility! 😱

Hopefully DUK will adopt and pursue this campaign robustly as a key preventative issue. Your personal success is to be applauded 🙂
Mine was entirely a tactical decision Amigo...I would not advise all to 'alert' their local CCG's in advance...after all as you say if they're not interfering why invite them to...however...if after a refusal using the NICE guidelines (which I believe are narrowly & wrongly interpreted)...if those who wanted to challenge/pursue a further opinion would/could have the opportunity to do so...believe they should...need to be supported...supplied the relevant material... the right backing...what better time to write to your local MP...who no doubt will be wanting to be seen in a positive light...with the upcoming Snap Election firmly in sight (as pointed out by a friend)...local councillors/lobbyists...(again the same friend)'s because we become conditioned to hearing NO...accepting others know better...its not necessary...misled with inaccurate point in fighting it...feel very strongly about this issue...hoping others feel the same.
Mine was entirely a tactical decision Amigo...I would not advise all to 'alert' their local CCG's in advance...after all as you say if they're not interfering why invite them to...however...if after a refusal using the NICE guidelines (which I believe are narrowly & wrongly interpreted)...if those who wanted to challenge/pursue a further opinion would/could have the opportunity to do so...believe they should...need to be supported...supplied the relevant material... the right backing...what better time to write to your local MP...who no doubt will be wanting to be seen in a positive light...with the upcoming Snap Election firmly in sight (as pointed out by a friend)...local councillors/lobbyists...(again the same friend)'s because we become conditioned to hearing NO...accepting others know better...its not necessary...misled with inaccurate point in fighting it...feel very strongly about this issue...hoping others feel the same.

Absolutely agree Bubbsie and I've done similar with my MP over specific cancer drugs. Received a very pleasant, patronising letter about costings which is always the bottom line however. (I'd never voted for him anyway and never would!).
I'd advise anyone to be their own advocate and also feel strongly about the refusal to allow Type 2's to have the means to control their diabetes.
Morning peeps 🙂 6.5 for me, won't be around much today as have OH's grans funeral so will catch up on everything tonight x
Aw, sorry to hear about your OH's gran. Take care today.

Afternoon folks.🙂 12.0 this morning, but not unhappy cos I only dropped 1 mmol overnight (unheard of for me!) and I'm still waiting for the Tresiba to settle in - it's tempting to pile in there and go on a dose-tweaking binge, but I'm trying to put an end to the BG roller coaster once and for all.😛

Is that the time?😱 Hasta mañana, majos.
Ooh...up late for me this morning...could be celebrating my small victory with the local Clinical Commissioning Group...who in response to my letter... have grudgingly accepted my GP can prescribe my testing strips...and continue to do so...would like to encourage all those who are in a similar position to do likewise...ask CCGS justify their policy...not difficult...could even draw up a standard letter... a 6.4 for me today...think about it people!
Wonderful wonderful news Bubbsie :D - never thought for one minute that you would have failed in your endeavour - had complete confidence in your determination to succeed - perhaps you could post a standard letter on here to help likewise folk - justa thought - well done Bubbsie - I know you were at your wits end with this one but I imagine it was worth all the hassle! Glad it's done & dusted so you can move on and to maybe face any other challenge/s that should befall your way!🙄 Again - very well done you - Gold Medal awarded :D xxx (((hugs)))
Ooh...up late for me this morning...could be celebrating my small victory with the local Clinical Commissioning Group...who in response to my letter... have grudgingly accepted my GP can prescribe my testing strips...and continue to do so...would like to encourage all those who are in a similar position to do likewise...ask CCGS justify their policy...not difficult...could even draw up a standard letter... a 6.4 for me today...think about it people!
Good number Bubbs 🙂 x
Happy good afternoon Peeps on this dull & cool day!

Woke up to a 7.4 - spoke too soon about out the DF - she gave me a little nudge this morning to remind me of my recent over indulgences and to beware 🙄

@Anthony Stirrat Congrats on your house special x

@Flower - I hope you are having a more uplifting day today x

Take care everyone x
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Happy good afternoon Peeps on this dull & cool day!

Woke up to a 7.4 - spoke too soon about out the DF - she gave me a little nudge this morning to remind me of my recent over indulgences and to beware 🙄

@Anthony Stirrat Congrats on your house special x

@Flower - I hope you have a more uplifting day today x

Take care everyone x

Beautiful sunny day here in Norfolk today, maybe the sun will shine for you tomorrow
Thanks guys today was a disaster had my lunch as usual and don't know whether it was due to rushing around straight after or stress or what to be honest but was washing my hands an hour later and my legs began to feel like jelly tested and 3.2 then jelly babies got myself to 3.7 before I got in the car an hour later keep feeding myself exactly the same result then drop all the way back down to 3 resulting in me unable to be with my partner and support him I still went in but sat at the back so not to disturb anyone I feel like an utter failure and will no doubt be sitting sky high when I test soon :( x
Thanks guys today was a disaster had my lunch as usual and don't know whether it was due to rushing around straight after or stress or what to be honest but was washing my hands an hour later and my legs began to feel like jelly tested and 3.2 then jelly babies got myself to 3.7 before I got in the car an hour later keep feeding myself exactly the same result then drop all the way back down to 3 resulting in me unable to be with my partner and support him I still went in but sat at the back so not to disturb anyone I feel like an utter failure and will no doubt be sitting sky high when I test soon :( x
Sorry to hear this.
Thanks guys today was a disaster had my lunch as usual and don't know whether it was due to rushing around straight after or stress or what to be honest but was washing my hands an hour later and my legs began to feel like jelly tested and 3.2 then jelly babies got myself to 3.7 before I got in the car an hour later keep feeding myself exactly the same result then drop all the way back down to 3 resulting in me unable to be with my partner and support him I still went in but sat at the back so not to disturb anyone I feel like an utter failure and will no doubt be sitting sky high when I test soon :( x
Ah Kaylz sorry to hear this - today of all days - I hope your OH was understanding - now listen K you are not an utter failure - but maybe you've answered your own question - stress running around etc - you know I can't advise you on T1 or insulin but what I can do is to lend my support - so I trust you will be on top form very soon & back to normal, take care hun & try not to panic x
Ooh...up late for me this morning...could be celebrating my small victory with the local Clinical Commissioning Group...who in response to my letter... have grudgingly accepted my GP can prescribe my testing strips...and continue to do so...would like to encourage all those who are in a similar position to do likewise...ask CCGS justify their policy...not difficult...could even draw up a standard letter... a 6.4 for me today...think about it people!

I've been compiling my letter but a standard one would be good too thanks if you don't mind.
I've been compiling my letter but a standard one would be good too thanks if you don't mind.
Dolly will PM you a copy of mine and you can adjust it as necessary
@Kaylz oh hen hopefully this has now passed. Be kind to yourself your husband will understand.