Group 7-day waking average?

Brilliant @Bubbsie i thank you.

I was 6.1 this morning which I'm pleased with
Brilliant @Bubbsie i thank you.

I was 6.1 this morning which I'm pleased with
Sent the letter...some blank spaces...suggest you look up the local CCG for your area...and send a copy to your GP...have you asked the GP to prescribe testing strips yet?...need to do that first I suggest.
I have suggested and got told I don't need one and if I got one it would be for a week and that's an if which really means no.
Ah Kaylz sorry to hear this - today of all days - I hope your OH was understanding - now listen K you are not an utter failure - but maybe you've answered your own question - stress running around etc - you know I can't advise you on T1 or insulin but what I can do is to lend my support - so I trust you will be on top form very soon & back to normal, take care hun & try not to panic x
He was very understanding WL, I managed to grab him for a second before we went in to explain what was going on and why I wouldn't be able to be by his side but it didn't stop me feeling guilty about the whole situation, he had his nephew next to him though so they were ok together x
I had a good reading of 6.1 first thing this morning. Had a light salad lunch and then a game of golf. Instead of my post game coffee, I had a large soda water and lime thinking it would be innocuous on BG. An hour later, I was taken aback to find my pre dinner reading was 9.3.
I've been taken off Metformin and I need another hb1ac in 2mths and if the levels are similar then I can be taken off the diabetes list
That's fantastic news.
Good morning everyone. 5.1 🙂.
I have suggested and got told I don't need one and if I got one it would be for a week and that's an if which really means no.
Typical response Dolly...means they are interpreting the NICE guidelines very narrowly...might be worth your while having a read of those...what they really mean we're not prepared to bear the cost of a meter/strips...but if you want to fund your own...get good control of your diabetes...we're quite happy to take the credit for that...keep at persistent...I often wonder if they say No initially...see how resilient/determined you are...dig those heels in Dolly...good luck.
Morning...frustrating day doubt more to come today...shows with a 6.7.
I am waking to a 6 this morning usually wake in the 5's but I am full of cold today x
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Good morning. 7.3 for me today. Off to my urgent eye hospital appointment today with everything crossed that they have answers as to why I'm struggling to read onscreen.
Good morning. 7.3 for me today. Off to my urgent eye hospital appointment today with everything crossed that they have answers as to why I'm struggling to read onscreen.
Good luck AJ - hope you have a successful appointment - let us know how you get on won't you x