Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 7.4 here, maybe that Xmas pud wasn't such a good idea. I thought the long walk would balance it out, but apparently not!
You thought - but you didn't eh Robin - mysterious ways?🙄
A whopping 17.7 this morning, but might have something to do with the chocolate cake and chocolate dome that I ate.
We're all different aren't we - I went to bed on a 7.1 after eating another layer of boxed chocolates and four weetabix 😱 and my waking was 6.1 !!!
I can't remember exactly what my cholesterol was but It was 6. something. My doctor spoke to me about it prior to my diabetic diagnosis but said that he wan't too concerned because a good % of my cholesterol was 'good' cholesterol. It was the nurse at my HbA1c who raised the issue and asked me to consider going on to statins and let her know at my next appointment.
I was prescribed statins but couldn't tolerate them so GP withdrew them
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I was prescribed statins but couldn't tolerate the so GP withdrew them

I am led to believe that they can cause muscle and joint pain. I have a fairly active lifestyle and play golf four or five days a week and don't want to put myself in position where that might stop. If I knew for certain that physical side effects would be minimal, I would possibly go for them. I wonder if it is worth trying them on the condition I could come off them. In what way could you not tolerate them? If that's not too personal a question.
I am led to believe that they can cause muscle and joint pain. I have a fairly active lifestyle and play golf four or five days a week and don't want to put myself in position where that might stop. If I knew for certain that physical side effects would be minimal, I would possibly go for them. I wonder if it is worth trying them on the condition I could come off them. In what way could you not tolerate them? If that's not too personal a question.
With me the statins caused nausea - fed up vomiting - at the same time the other end kept the loo seat warm! Sorry TMI! pretty much the same side effects as Metformin - couldn't tolerate that either - but we are all different - some can tolerate & others can't - hope you can tolerate the statins if you're prescribed them x
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With me the statins caused nausea - fed up vomiting - at 😎the same time the other end kept the loo seat warm! - pretty much the same side effects as Metformin - couldn't tolerate that either - but we are all different - some can tolerate & others can't - hope you can tolerate the statins if you're prescribed them x

Thanks for the info, wirralass. I must say that Metformin, 4 weeks in, has been fine for me and I might just be willing to give statins a go............ then again :confused:
Thank you Alan. I haven't posted a lot of my results in recent months because they've been so erratic :( But I keep fighting to get my daily average on my Libre down although it seems to be a constant battle at the moment.
Poor you, AJ. What a nightmare!:( You seem to be on top of things tho - is the meditation (or was it yoga?) helping?🙂
Thanks for the info, wirralass. I must say that Metformin, 4 weeks in, has been fine for me and I might just be willing to give statins a go............ then again :confused:
Good luck if you do Browser, you might be OK - you can only but try x
I am led to believe that they can cause muscle and joint pain. I have a fairly active lifestyle and play golf four or five days a week and don't want to put myself in position where that might stop. If I knew for certain that physical side effects would be minimal, I would possibly go for them. I wonder if it is worth trying them on the condition I could come off them. In what way could you not tolerate them? If that's not too personal a question.
Browser...why don't you ask for the breakdown of your cholesterol results....if the ratios of HDL(good cholesterol) & your triglycerides are within normal range...even if the LDL (the bad cholesterol) is is more likely to be the kind of LDL which is fluffy & buoyant...which the body does absorb...not the small dense one that hangs around and does the damage...have a little read up on it before you see your is fascinating...not difficult to understand...then you'll be in a position to have a meaningful discussion...can decide if cholesterol is right for you...rather than your GP/DSN prescribing it as a matter of's not just the total cholesterol level that's relevant...your health care team should look at the ratio of all three components.
Not a waking number but all week before evening meals I've been steady in the mid 5's to low 6's, Just tested before a meal and came back with a 10.1, Double checked it and it read the same, I've had nothing different to what I've had in the last 5 days so am at a loss as to why I got this spike. Be interesting to see what the 2 hour after meal reading is.
Good morning everyone. 5.8 today.
Browser...why don't you ask for the breakdown of your cholesterol results....if the ratios of HDL(good cholesterol) & your triglycerides are within normal range...even if the LDL (the bad cholesterol) is is more likely to be the kind of LDL which is fluffy & buoyant...which the body does absorb...not the small dense one that hangs around and does the damage...have a little read up on it before you see your is fascinating...not difficult to understand...then you'll be in a position to have a meaningful discussion...can decide if cholesterol is right for you...rather than your GP/DSN prescribing it as a matter of's not just the total cholesterol level that's relevant...your health care team should look at the ratio of all three components.

Sorry, Bubbsie, didn't notice your post till this morning and I'll certainly look into it a bit further. I don't know if you read my earlier post about this.

I can'tremember exactly what my cholesterol was but It was 6. something. My doctor spoke to me about it prior to my diabetic diagnosis but said that he wan't too concerned because a good % of my cholesterol was 'good' cholesterol. It was the nurse at my HbA1c who raised the issue and asked me to consider going on to statins and let her know at my next appointment.

This seems to kind of fall in line with what you are saying. Thanks for the info.
Morning all! It's a 6.4 from me. I think my weekend treats are catching up with me.🙄
Out of the 8's for once with a 7.2 this morning!
It's 5.2 for me this morning, off to see the doctor this morning to discuss medication and what to do going forwards
I hope your appointment goes well and to your satisfaction.