Group 7-day waking average?

Morning guys 🙂 , 6 4 here after being woken up by my mum as my alarm didn't go off 😳, oh @AJLang You really are having a rough time I hope things improve soon and @Bloden My fingers are firmly crossed for you 🙂 x
Morning all, 10.3 for me today. Only 2 and a half weeks until my hospital appointment.
My next sensor is due to be delivered today. Going to use it when I do the Moonwalk in just over 3 weeks time 😱, as it will make life easier on the night.
5.4 for me this morning. My first appointment ( 6 weeks) is in one week. What form does this appointment take? Do you get another HbA1c? I know I've got to let them know about my decision about statins for cholesterol which I don't really want to start. I've made healthy changes to my diet and am losing weight steadily so am hoping the statin thing won't be an issue, for the moment.
I'm waiting for the email to come that tells me when the Libre will arrive! :D
I've always received them afterwards :D. The emails that is
Morning all, 7.4 here, maybe that Xmas pud wasn't such a good idea. I thought the long walk would balance it out, but apparently not!
5.4 for me this morning. My first appointment ( 6 weeks) is in one week. What form does this appointment take? Do you get another HbA1c? I know I've got to let them know about my decision about statins for cholesterol which I don't really want to start. I've made healthy changes to my diet and am losing weight steadily so am hoping the statin thing won't be an issue, for the moment.

When was your last A1c test as it's 3,6.12 months depending on your care. I'm 3 monthly only because I made a fuss at the surgery. Changes in diet are good and losing weight is a bonus too. Do you self test at all as that helps too to see what you can and can't eat for the spikes. I test 6 times a day was up 12 as I was experimenting with food. We are after all different too. They'll check feet if not already done and maybe just maybe refer you. They'll weigh and measure your height too. They'll Ask about the statins and it is your right to refuse them if you don't want them. They'll go over your last results too
Hope this helps
6.5 for me this morning, another happy dance here this was after a dark chocolate truffle from Lindt 70% I had only 1 though 😉
I'm learning that I can't eat after a certain time as it spikes me but I'm not hungry as I fill up on good fats and protein very little carbs for the evening meal. If truly hungry and not thirsty I have something small and protein based if I can.
What a change from grabbing whatever from the cupboard in the past now I have to stop and think what I can have whilst sipping water and the moment passes 9 times of 10 🙂
5.4 for me this morning. My first appointment ( 6 weeks) is in one week. What form does this appointment take? Do you get another HbA1c? I know I've got to let them know about my decision about statins for cholesterol which I don't really want to start. I've made healthy changes to my diet and am losing weight steadily so am hoping the statin thing won't be an issue, for the moment.
Unfortunately as with all things Diabetic it varies around the country. There are recommendations of what checks you should get on the main Diabetes UK website i think it is 15 things. If it is only 6 weeks since from your HBA1C it is unlikely to get one.
When was your last A1c test as it's 3,6.12 months depending on your care. I'm 3 monthly only because I made a fuss at the surgery. Changes in diet are good and losing weight is a bonus too. Do you self test at all as that helps too to see what you can and can't eat for the spikes. I test 6 times a day was up 12 as I was experimenting with food. We are after all different too. They'll check feet if not already done and maybe just maybe refer you. They'll weigh and measure your height too. They'll Ask about the statins and it is your right to refuse them if you don't want them. They'll go over your last results too
Hope this helps

As you and Grovesy have suggested I think this will be a routine general appointment. I self test usually first thing in the morning and before and after my main meal. Statins are my main issue as I really am in two minds about them. So many folk have told me they didn't like them and my daughter who is a GP takes the official line that I should take them but it's up to me. I wonder what % of people follow advice and take statins.
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Happy good afternoon Peeps!
Move up Northie, a 6.1 for me too 🙂
I don't want to tempt the DF my way, but I'm very surprised with that number after what I ate yesterday 😱 She's been kind to me of late - Aw bless the little b***h
Enjoy your day everyone x
As you and Grovesy have suggested I think this will be a routine general appointment. I self test usually first thing in the morning and before and after my main meal. Statins are my main issue as I really am in two minds about them. So many folk have told me they didn't like them and my daughter who is a GP takes the official line that I should take them but it's up to me. I wonder what % of people follow advice and take statins.

What is your cholesterol sitting at mine was 6.7 then 4.2 I came of mine but my other reason was no heart history in the family and your heart is a muscle and some of the meds they give can cause pain in the muscles which your heart is, but others want them and as humans we are after all different. The choice is up to you.
Morning guys 🙂 , 6 4 here after being woken up by my mum as my alarm didn't go off 😳, oh @AJLang You really are having a rough time I hope things improve soon and @Bloden My fingers are firmly crossed for you 🙂 x
Thank you very much Kaylz x
A whopping 17.7 this morning, but might have something to do with the chocolate cake and chocolate dome that I ate.
Good morning everyone. 12.5 for me today.
Aw AJ not in a very good place are you at the moment - don't despair, I'm sure you'll return to your usual numbers soon - try not to worry hun (((hugs))) x
What is your cholesterol sitting at mine was 6.7 then 4.2 I came of mine but my other reason was no heart history in the family and your heart is a muscle and some of the meds they give can cause pain in the muscles which your heart is, but others want them and as humans we are after all different. The choice is up to you.

I can't remember exactly what my cholesterol was but It was 6. something. My doctor spoke to me about it prior to my diabetic diagnosis but said that he wan't too concerned because a good % of my cholesterol was 'good' cholesterol. It was the nurse at my HbA1c who raised the issue and asked me to consider going on to statins and let her know at my next appointment.