Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 4.1 for me after a 3am correction.
Also known as a 'rage bolus' 😱 I think we've all done that at one time or another, Amanda.
Thanks. Alan. I know what you mean, it's just that I seem to be needing to do it nearly every day recently but there's no pattern.
An unwelcome but not unexpected 7.2 to wake on. A little too much carb yesterday but have woken with a headache after a night of prolific dreaming. Wore me out! o_O
Good morning 🙂 and a 7.1. Obviously I ate chocolate yesterday and will finish it today. So I'm very lucky not to be much higher.
Morning all, 5.4 here. Whacked basal up by a whole unit without waiting to start my new Libre sensor (see above, can you have a rage basal as well as a rage Bolus?) Seems to have worked, anyway.
We are having Xmas pud tonight, @Bubbsie, but I've got insulin as my ally!
Oh yeah Robin...well I've got extra thick double lush cream as my there...take that (ooh can feel a song coming on here)...😱😱😱.
An unwelcome but not unexpected 7.2 to wake on. A little too much carb yesterday but have woken with a headache after a night of prolific dreaming. Wore me out! o_O
Not too bad back to this dream...anything you can share?
6.7 for me this morning. Coming down a treat
@Bubbsie Thank you it was the one concerning me the most but as others have said including yourself I believe it's the longest one to go down.

It's taken 3 months of really highs of a morning in the past to lower levels and I haven't rushed it as I'm an impatient sod lol!!!!
Not too bad back to this dream...anything you can share?

I wish it was something enjoyable Bubs but alas I seemed to be trying to find second rate B&B accommodation with another family for whatever reason I don't know! It was so vivid I can remember the horrid food they served and even the plates! No wonder my levels were higher. It's the cortisol on the rage!

I'm 6.4 after breakfast but still have the headache :( hope you're good today. In fact I hope you all are x
I wish it was something enjoyable Bubs but alas I seemed to be trying to find second rate B&B accommodation with another family for whatever reason I don't know! It was so vivid I can remember the horrid food they served and even the plates! No wonder my levels were higher. It's the cortisol on the rage!

I'm 6.4 after breakfast but still have the headache :( hope you're good today. In fact I hope you all are x
Good number Amigo...the rest sounds like a nightmare...slightly analogous to the NHS eat well plate possibly?...just back from an hour and a half walk with Harry...he has no idea he is a thorough bred and has come home smelling of fox S**T...looking like something I've just pulled out of a ditch!...lets hope you get some respite from that headache soon...have a good day🙂.
Happy good Easter Monday afternoon Peeps!

If you havent gone home yet @Northerner I iz coming to sit next to you with a 6.4 at 5am - Didn't post - went straight back to sleep again 🙄

And very very surprised I was at that after yesterdays mammoth feast of..... see thread what did you eat yesterday?.....
5.7 for me this morning. Happy with that after a jump from 5.5 to 9 in my pre and post food readings last night. The annoying thing was that I ate essentially the same meal but without a glass of red wine that actually resulted in a decrease the previous evening,
5.7 for me this morning. Happy with that after a jump from 5.5 to 9 in my pre and post food readings last night. The annoying thing was that I ate essentially the same meal but without a glass of red wine that actually resulted in a decrease the previous evening,
D sure has fun with us doesn't it.
Thanks to a large slice of Nanny Doreen's chocolate cake last night (complete with extra mini Easter eggs)...a relieved 6.6 this morning...can feel another three mile walk coming on.