Group 7-day waking average?

My thoughts are with you James at this sad time. A high 14.3 for me, slightly down on last nights 14.5. It was down to 9 before dinner last night, but chicken with muchrooms stuffed with cream cheese + garlic and two mini eggs pushed it way up. Beginning to think the only way to get it down is to stop eating althogether, but know that is not the way forward. Going to make a sugar free, wheat free brownie today.
Sorry for your loss James

A 7.6 for me this morning lets see if the numbers behave for the rest of the day.
My thoughts are with you James at this sad time. A high 14.3 for me, slightly down on last nights 14.5. It was down to 9 before dinner last night, but chicken with muchrooms stuffed with cream cheese + garlic and two mini eggs pushed it way up. Beginning to think the only way to get it down is to stop eating althogether, but know that is not the way forward. Going to make a sugar free, wheat free brownie today.
Your high levels are not right. Your dinner sounds low carb to me & 2 mini eggs shouldn't do that much harm. I'm beginning to wonder if you are really a type 1 who has been mis-diagnosed.
I was so fed up with my levels that I just shoved up my insulin last night. Had Glucojuice at 4am to fend off a 4.1 and then woke up at 8am at 5.7 (during the night my levels went up to about 14 at midnight, according to the Libre and then did a fast downwards approach).
Sorry for your loss James.
I was so fed up with my levels that I just shoved up my insulin last night. Had Glucojuice at 4am to fend off a 4.1 and then woke up at 8am at 5.7 (during the night my levels went up to about 14 at midnight, according to the Libre and then did a fast downwards approach).
Also known as a 'rage bolus' 😱 I think we've all done that at one time or another, Amanda.
Well Easter Sunday with the Grandkids and a bit of a naughty afternoon, Had cake ! God it was good but level went up to 11.2, Now after dinner and a good walk back down to 8.2.
Good morning everyone. This new sensor is being a bit iffy. 8.0 on meter , 5.2 on Libre , I know which one I like but as I was naughty last night, no not choc , a 1am large slice of cheese and onion quiche 😱 So I believe my meter:confused:.
Morning all, 10.3 for me today.
Morning all.🙂 4.5 here.🙂

Back to work after a week off - my pupils'll probably be knackered cos they don't seem to go to bed during the holidays - at all! :confused: Expect lots of whingeing - and that's just from me...🙄😉
Morning lovely people. 4.8 for me this grey morning.
Morning! It's another 6.3 for me today. Had 1 naughty hot cross bun yesterday. Found the lowest carb one's. Aldi Essentials. Only 25g carb per bun. They are not glazed, which is odd, but quite nice.
Good morning 🙂 6.5 for me x
Late posting this morning...indulged heavily in a roast dinner yesterday...carb fest...even 'real' chocolate...ate so much...even the thought of dessert was repugnant...relieved... up to a 6.4 today...resolved to behave Easter Monday...but...have a hankering for that Christmas Pudding languishing in the cupboard since the festive season...dare I? this space😱😱😱.
Still stuck in the 8's with an 8.2 this morning.
Morning all, 5.4 here. Whacked basal up by a whole unit without waiting to start my new Libre sensor (see above, can you have a rage basal as well as a rage Bolus?) Seems to have worked, anyway.
We are having Xmas pud tonight, @Bubbsie, but I've got insulin as my ally!