Group 7-day waking average?

T's going down nice & steadily...I believe that's the best way (certainly has been for me)'s a comfort when you realise all the effort you've made is showing results...bloody hard work worthwhile.

Thanks Bubbsie I've only been monitoring myself for the past month, so im still learning about what is spiking me. Your right its hard work always thinking about what to eat and what not to. I'll get there I'm learning so much from this forum, so much information and advice. Have a happy Easter.
Morning all, 10.2 for me today. Hope you all have a great easter weekend. X

Thanks Bubbsie I've only been monitoring myself for the past month, so im still learning about what is spiking me. Your right its hard work always thinking about what to eat and what not to. I'll get there I'm learning so much from this forum, so much information and advice. Have a happy Easter.
You too Barbara (sounds odd saying that...since I'm a Barbara too) does seem like such hard work initially...what to eat...when...where...however...once you start to see the benefits...those numbers coming is so encouraging...after a while much of what we need to do becomes like second nature...I get so irritated when we are advised not to's too'll become obsessive...the HbA1c test is sufficient...nothing like the anxiety of that quarterly HbA1c test to get your BG raised is there?'re working hard...starting to feel the benefit...the pressure will ease off once you start to feel more need to rush it...taken me nine months to get to this stage...take your things at your own's all good!
Morning all, 10.2 for me today. Hope you all have a great easter weekend. X
Hope you're working on that Bra Stitch (don't forget photos)...good luck on your Moon Walking...or have I got the wrong weekend (wouldn't be surprised).
Hope you're working on that Bra Stitch (don't forget photos)...good luck on your Moon Walking...or have I got the wrong weekend (wouldn't be surprised).
The moonwalk is in 4 weeks time on the 13th May. Its bra decorating this weekend.
Happy Good Friday, everyone. It's another 5.5 today. Think my meter is stuck.:D
You too Barbara (sounds odd saying that...since I'm a Barbara too) does seem like such hard work initially...what to eat...when...where...however...once you start to see the benefits...those numbers coming is so encouraging...after a while much of what we need to do becomes like second nature...I get so irritated when we are advised not to's too'll become obsessive...the HbA1c test is sufficient...nothing like the anxiety of that quarterly HbA1c test to get your BG raised is there?'re working hard...starting to feel the benefit...the pressure will ease off once you start to feel more need to rush it...taken me nine months to get to this stage...take your things at your own's all good!

Hi Barbara/Bubbsie lol. Next HbA1c in two weeks I'm so happy I got a meter although I must admit getting to 14.4 on some occasions stressed me a little but I know from reading on the forum there are a lot of people getting higher results !!! Have made many adjustments and I'm kind of getting it now but feel I still have a long way to go , I'm still learning and I know I will continue learning on this forum which has been a great help. Thank you for your kind words sometimes we all need encouragement, this is early days and a learning kerb for me. Like you say confidence is key
Good morning folks 4.6 today
Hi Barbara W. Having a meter sure helps doesn't it. At first it is a steep learning curve but it does get easier , honest !
Morning lovelies 🙂, 6.2 for me x
Hi Barbara W. Having a meter sure helps doesn't it. At first it is a steep learning curve but it does get easier , honest !

Yes your right Ljc I would never of thought to get a meter if I hadn't of visited this site. It can only be beneficial to me although the doctor didn't seem to think so. But I'm taking all the advice on this site aboard from the people who know what their talking about.

Have a great Easter
Hi Barbara/Bubbsie lol. Next HbA1c in two weeks I'm so happy I got a meter although I must admit getting to 14.4 on some occasions stressed me a little but I know from reading on the forum there are a lot of people getting higher results !!! Have made many adjustments and I'm kind of getting it now but feel I still have a long way to go , I'm still learning and I know I will continue learning on this forum which has been a great help. Thank you for your kind words sometimes we all need encouragement, this is early days and a learning kerb for me. Like you say confidence is key
It does take time, Barbara, but you will get there 🙂 None of us like getting the higher numbers, but at least through testing you have the opportunity to think about why they might be happening and take some positive action 🙂 I imagine it must be so much more dispiriting to get a 6 monthly test only to be told that you need to improve things, but don't have a clue where you were going wrong! How can that be helpful? 🙄

Stick with it, and ask any questions you may have - we're all behind you! 🙂
It does take time, Barbara, but you will get there 🙂 None of us like getting the higher numbers, but at least through testing you have the opportunity to think about why they might be happening and take some positive action 🙂 I imagine it must be so much more dispiriting to get a 6 monthly test only to be told that you need to improve things, but don't have a clue where you were going wrong! How can that be helpful? 🙄

Stick with it, and ask any questions you may have - we're all behind you! 🙂

Thanks Northerner, I've picked up a wealth of information already on the forum it can only get better, it's not been a good week with numbers so will have to revaluate what I'm doing wrong I'm learning every day.

Have a great weekend.
A 7 for me this morning which was a surprise as last reading of the night was 8.1.

Happy Easter everyone
@Barbara W in the beginning I was the same freaking at them high numbers not knowing why and no help from the ones that where meant to be looking after me other than don't test it'll worry you.
For a month I had really sore fingertips with all the testing but got there in the end and I roughly know what spikes me.
If a new food is presented I test before and after. If early enough and I've spiked I go for a walk only 15-20 minutes mind. If late I sip water not guzzle it.
My only thing is the eating out as they don't cater for me so still not doing so the now but one day I will.