Group 7-day waking average?

I am feeling more tired, the last couple of mornings I have had trouble getting out of bed to come to work, but once I am up I am ok. I have made an appointment to see the doc, but earliest they can see me is 24th April. But I will keep a diary of my waking readings to show her.
I am feeling more tired, the last couple of mornings I have had trouble getting out of bed to come to work, but once I am up I am ok. I have made an appointment to see the doc, but earliest they can see me is 24th April. But I will keep a diary of my waking readings to show her.

Thinking of you, you've had a rough spell lately and I think you're right in seeing your GP but it's an awful long wait for an appointment! 😳
I am feeling more tired, the last couple of mornings I have had trouble getting out of bed to come to work, but once I am up I am ok. I have made an appointment to see the doc, but earliest they can see me is 24th April. But I will keep a diary of my waking readings to show her.

Your surgery sounds like mine and good call on keeping a diary to show GP.
Thinking of you, you've had a rough spell lately and I think you're right in seeing your GP but it's an awful long wait for an appointment! 😳
Thank you. At the moment the only thing that does not spike my bg is eating chicken with either salad or green veg. Only other thing I can think of, is that cutting down my antidepressant's (with docs consent), is causing me to be subconsciously more anxious, but I don't outwardly feel anxious. I understood why they were up at the beginning of the week due to what I had eaten and not feeling too good. Went up to 18 after my breakfast and cappuccino, down to 13 after chicken salad and a walk. But was around about 10 on waking before, then 8 during the rest of the day, and sometimes I even got mid range 7s by bedtime.
I echo all of the above James - my fingers are crossed too for your family members quick recovery, take care x
Hi @Poppy460 . That's a good drop in you Hb1ac level, Well done. it shows you are trying really hard
How are your BG levels Before bed ?
Your waking level isn't too bad really, not ideal I know but it's often the last one to start coming down.
Hi thanks for your comments, I didn't know that the morning level is one of the last ones to drop. I will be more patient in future.
Hi thanks for your comments, I didn't know that the morning level is one of the last ones to drop. I will be more patient in future.
@Poppy460 ,I hope in the next few weeks you start see your waking level come down.
Another thing it could be, do you test on waking or a while being up for a while.
Sometimes being up for even just a few minutes can rais your BGs
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Yuk...wide awake at 03:30...couldn't sleep...could be guilt...four large squares of Duet Toffee & Popcorn chocolate before bed...(don't even have a sweet tooth)...consider myself fortunate to have a 6.3 this morning.😱😱😱.
A much improved number today, better than yesterday's it's a 7.9 from me.'s going down nice & steadily...I believe that's the best way (certainly has been for me)'s a comfort when you realise all the effort you've made is showing results...bloody hard work worthwhile.