Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning folks. 4.0 today. Libre showed a nice even line all night 🙂.
Had fun at the vampires yesterday. Went in, took my jacket off, before I could sit down, she said hold on you've got somethings stuck on your dress, it looks like that thing on your arm (I'd wondered where it had got to when I knocked it off earlier, now I knew, it was on my bum. :D) Thinking it would come off easy she tried to remove it . It did come off eventually :D.
Then my vein did its usual and misbehaved itself. 😱:D
Blimey what a palaver Lin...ashamed to admit the thought of 'that thing' travelling to your bum made me laugh...until I got to the vein misbehaving itself...ouch...have the same issue...mine just head for the hills as soon as they 'smell' those needles...hopefully they got what was needed.
No choice my side either Bubbsie , spent the night in intensive care unit with family member, just home to get wash , shave and change of clothes and heading back up very shortly .
Plz keep fingers crossed for me .
I am so sorry to hear this James . Thinking of you and your family member. I too hope you have some good news soon
Good morning folks. 4.0 today. Libre showed a nice even line all night 🙂.
Had fun at the vampires yesterday. Went in, took my jacket off, before I could sit down, she said hold on you've got somethings stuck on your dress, it looks like that thing on your arm (I'd wondered where it had got to when I knocked it off earlier, now I knew, it was on my bum. :D) Thinking it would come off easy she tried to remove it . It did come off eventually :D.
Then my vein did its usual and misbehaved itself. 😱:D
Oh no that's too funny, but not so good with your vein, hope enough blood was taken and you get good results.
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Morning all. It was all going very well last night until about 21:30, then wooooosh BG rose by 10 in as many minutes. Pleased to be on 7.2 this morning after a conservative correction. Have a good day everyone and fingers crossed for you @James 048
Morning all! It's a 5.5 from me. Got to nip to Aldi for a leg if lamb. Cheaper than Tesco. Hope they have some left.
No choice my side either Bubbsie , spent the night in intensive care unit with family member, just home to get wash , shave and change of clothes and heading back up very shortly .
Plz keep fingers crossed for me .
Very sorry to hear about your relative James. Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery. Look after yourself too.
Morning peeps. 4.6 for me this morning.
Hope everything is OK @James 048
Good morning 🙂, given how much I can drop I wasn't so sure about going to bed on the 6 my bedtime test presented me, I had a lotus biscuit and woke to a 5.4 so not too bad, sorry to hear about your family member James hope all goes well xx
Morning all, an 11.7 for me today, the 5th May cant come quick enough.
Thinking of you and your family member James.
That did make me chuckle Lin.
Good morning 🙂 4.1 here today.

I hope things improve for your family member James.

Having a sensor stuck to your behind did make me laugh Lin 🙂 pesky diabetes paraphanelia getting where it shouldn't !
8.1 this morning, A day of walking over the South Downs for me today and maybe a crafty pint in a village pub, Have a good day everyone.
14.1 for me today, no idea why it is not going down now.
10.2. I'm really struggling again with my overnight levels.
8.3 for me this morning, forgot to take my meter upstairs, so this was a typical reading for once I've been up and about for half an hour.
Blimey, Lin, why won't the pesky sensors just stick where they're supposed to and nowhere else!
8.3 for me this morning, forgot to take my meter upstairs, so this was a typical reading for once I've been up and about for half an hour.
Blimey, Lin, why won't the pesky sensors just stick where they're supposed to and nowhere else!
Its that old hard sideswipe on the door jam trick again lol. I still can't work out how it managed to get there though :D
@Grannylorraine I'd be inclined to go to the doc and see what they say as that's been a fair few days of highs. Are you feeling sleepy I know I do when high like that and itchy to boot.

7.9 for me I was 7.4 at 10.30 test last night so a straight line really.