Group 7-day waking average?

14 for me this morning, so although high, it is coming down. Was 13 when I went to bed last night.
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8.3 for me this am
I seem to be stuck between 8.0 and 8.5, I would like to get this down, before I start the day. I don't snack / eat after my evening meal and walk the dog for about 30 mins after tea. A little surprised / concerned BG levels still that high. (Type 2 diagnosed last June, brought levels down from 93 to 55 in 9 months, have done well but finding it hard to go lower) Any suggestions?
I seem to be stuck between 8.0 and 8.5, I would like to get this down, before I start the day. I don't snack / eat after my evening meal and walk the dog for about 30 mins after tea. A little surprised / concerned BG levels still that high. (Type 2 diagnosed last June, brought levels down from 93 to 55 in 9 months, have done well but finding it hard to go lower) Any suggestions?
Hi @Poppy460 . That's a good drop in you Hb1ac level, Well done. it shows you are trying really hard
How are your BG levels Before bed ?
Your waking level isn't too bad really, not ideal I know but it's often the last one to start coming down.
Morning...another early start...6.1 today.
5.6 this morning . Hope you all have a nice day .
Your early on the go Bubbsie this morning.
5.6 this morning . Hope you all have a nice day .
Your early on the go Bubbsie this morning.
Morning James...not by choice...just woke up before 5am...sure I can make good use of the time though.
No choice my side either Bubbsie , spent the night in intensive care unit with family member, just home to get wash , shave and change of clothes and heading back up very shortly .
Plz keep fingers crossed for me .
No choice my side either Bubbsie , spent the night in intensive care unit with family member, just home to get wash , shave and change of clothes and heading back up very shortly .
Plz keep fingers crossed for me .
I'm very sorry to hear this James :( I hope things improve for your family member, keeping my fingers crossed for you all {{{HUGS}}}

A tardy 6.9 for me today, not so bad - I was 6.7 before bed after succumbing to an unscheduled Lindt egg... 😱 😉
No choice my side either Bubbsie , spent the night in intensive care unit with family member, just home to get wash , shave and change of clothes and heading back up very shortly .
Plz keep fingers crossed for me .
Of course I will sorry to hear your news...I have been in that position myself...not a great deal you can important to be there & support your does make a real difference...important to look after yourself of luck...I have my fingers firmly crossed for you & your family.
Good morning all and a 4.4 for me, did do a seven mile walk yesterday without a low so that's a improvement, went to bed on 7. Must do that basal testing.
Good morning folks. 4.0 today. Libre showed a nice even line all night 🙂.
Had fun at the vampires yesterday. Went in, took my jacket off, before I could sit down, she said hold on you've got somethings stuck on your dress, it looks like that thing on your arm (I'd wondered where it had got to when I knocked it off earlier, now I knew, it was on my bum. :D) Thinking it would come off easy she tried to remove it . It did come off eventually :D.
Then my vein did its usual and misbehaved itself. 😱:D
No choice my side either Bubbsie , spent the night in intensive care unit with family member, just home to get wash , shave and change of clothes and heading back up very shortly .
Plz keep fingers crossed for me .
Thinking of you and your family member, sending hugs and hope you have good news soon.