Group 7-day waking average?

Oh Flower 😱 Thank goodness you realised eventually. Did you feel ill with such high levels? Glad you've got it all together today!
Good morning 🙂 8.2 today which I'm pleased with after I did my best to put myself in DKA yesterday 🙄

I bought a silicone skin for my pump to protect it and had to disconnect the tubing from the cannula to get the pump into the skin. Idiot here forgot to reconnect the pump and carried on for hours correcting higher and higher blood sugar with the insulin dribbling down my skin. Thank goodness insulin has a disgusting smell and alerted me because by the time I realised I was at 27.2. It is very alarming how quickly bg rises when you don't have any insulin in the system. My dreams that I may be cured were dealt a blow yesterday. Everything connected today and I'll endeavour not to be such a chump 😳

Oh hell Flower, I've just seen this! Hope you're ok now...a nasty experience for you 😱
Good morning 🙂 8.2 today which I'm pleased with after I did my best to put myself in DKA yesterday 🙄

I bought a silicone skin for my pump to protect it and had to disconnect the tubing from the cannula to get the pump into the skin. Idiot here forgot to reconnect the pump and carried on for hours correcting higher and higher blood sugar with the insulin dribbling down my skin. Thank goodness insulin has a disgusting smell and alerted me because by the time I realised I was at 27.2. It is very alarming how quickly bg rises when you don't have any insulin in the system. My dreams that I may be cured were dealt a blow yesterday. Everything connected today and I'll endeavour not to be such a chump 😳
OMG hope you're feeling ok now.
5.4 @ 7.40am thank you Atkins. Never fails for me. 🙂
Glad you slept better Amigo. Makes such a difference to how you feel the next day.
Well done Bubbsie on earning a mini break! 🙂
Good morning 🙂 8.2 today which I'm pleased with after I did my best to put myself in DKA yesterday 🙄

I bought a silicone skin for my pump to protect it and had to disconnect the tubing from the cannula to get the pump into the skin. Idiot here forgot to reconnect the pump and carried on for hours correcting higher and higher blood sugar with the insulin dribbling down my skin. Thank goodness insulin has a disgusting smell and alerted me because by the time I realised I was at 27.2. It is very alarming how quickly bg rises when you don't have any insulin in the system. My dreams that I may be cured were dealt a blow yesterday. Everything connected today and I'll endeavour not to be such a chump 😳
Oh my goodness @Flower! 😱 So sorry to hear this :( I'm told by the DF that she was intimately involved in formulating the smell of insulin (she didn't want me to tell you that it smells of her farts, though 😱 😉 :D)

Hope that's it now - smooth running for at least the remainder of the year! 🙂 {{{HUGS}}}
Hope your ok now @Flower that must of a scary time for you.

7.8 for me this morning.
Afternoon guys, I treated myself to a lie in until 8am haha, had an appointment in another town today so didn't see the point in switching the laptop on this morning for a short time, 6.9 for me, @Bubbsie sorry you didn't get that magic number this time although glad to hear you have a 2 week break this time 🙂, and oh my god @Flower I hope your feeling ok now must have been awful xx
I'm fine thanks after my journey into the blood sugar stratosphere yesterday. I just felt exceedingly tired with my bg that high. I won't do that again, lesson learnt.

I'm told by the DF that she was intimately involved in formulating the smell of insulin (she didn't want me to tell you that it smells of her farts, though 😱

Eek! now that's an image I really don't need in my head 😱 😉
Good morning everyone. 4.9 today 🙂.
Got to see the vampire later this morning, hopefully it'll shed some light on why I'm feeling exhausted lately.
Hi, yes my basal is changing today. Last night I had no basal insulin as today I'm starting on split doses of Levermir, I'm hoping it will sort out the early am hypos. I did wonder if I'd go higher than this.