Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...5.8 today.
Good morning folks, it's a nice bright one here. 4.1 today 🙂
Morning all, 5.9 here, promising to be the hottest day of the year so far. Horses will be rapidly shedding their winter coats, I expect to come back from riding covered in horsehair, like an old upholstered sofa.
Morning all. Beautiful day again. Hope everyone had a good time yesterday. I present you with a 5.6 this morning.
Morning all, 5.9 here, promising to be the hottest day of the year so far. Horses will be rapidly shedding their winter coats, I expect to come back from riding covered in horsehair, like an old upholstered sofa.
@Robin morning Robin , raining and overcast in N.ireland . Hope you have an enjoyable safe ride today .
Morning all. A post meal hypo treatment induced 7.4 for me. Have a good day and don't get sunburnt.
Morning lovelies 🙂 its a 6 for me, uncorrected 9.5 last night, off shopping to Asda tonight 🙂 x
See @Kaylz , that's great - not correcting a 9.5 before bed and you woke to a perfectly good reading. Now to tackle the dreaded treat....😎
13.5 for me, might be caused by lack of sleep last night due to granddaughters in the bed.
Good morning 🙂 and woke to 7.3 today.
Expecting 22 degrees later. Lovely 🙂

Joining you with a not unexpected 7.3 Linda. I'm afraid the reception buffet was very carb heavy indeed and served late plus I've had a bad night (not alcohol related I stress!).

All will be well once I get this out of my system! :D
Morning all, 10.8 for me today.
Good morning 🙂 11.0 today 😱 after a scary hypo last night. It's the sheer variety that keeps me on my toes!
Oh heck , I hope you're not feeling too rough now.
13.7 at 4am. Stupid gastroparesis. Fortunately the correction worked and I was 7.2 when I got up at 8am 🙂
7.6 for me yesterday and a 8.2 this morning. Think that was caused by the late dinner at 10pm the joys of being on a dog committee.
Yesterday numbers were in the 5s and 6s the rest of the day so that was a bonus and it looks the same again today woohoo.