Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, snap, Lindarose, 7.5 for me too.:( Good luck with your HbA1c today.
Went to bed on exactly the same figure as the day before, when I woke to a 5.5. I sense the DF meddling.
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.5 for me.
Getting hba1c done today and not feeling great about it.
Good luck with Tresiba Bloden. Hope it solves some problems for you.

I know you're not happy with your levels at the moment Linda so thinking about you and hoping the result is better than you're anticipating x
12.5, so very slightly down on yesterday, hopefully heading back to my normal.
A 6.3 for me this morning. Have a decent weekend everyone. I've heard a rumour the sun will be strong in some areas 🙂 (not mine obviously!).
Great result Amigo. You seem to be getting back down nicely again. Good to see 🙂
Thought I had alteady posted this.

Good morning everyone. 4.2 today with a fairly even graph all night 🙂.
Morning ladies +gents . 5.3 this morning .
Morning...6.3 today
11.5 this morning and 3.1 yesterday morning. However overall my levels have been improving as I've been using meditation and relaxation exercises to reduce my stress levels.
Good going Anthony , have a good weekend.