Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. It's a 6.6 from me today. Have fun everyone going to Southampton - we expect piccies :D
Morning all. 4.6 here, and that after chomping a couple of fruit pastilles at 2am ( when I was 4.1 but woke up feeling like I was dropping) Must have been a garage-door-painting hypo. Or I could just blame the DF, I'll be seeing her later....
Good morning everyone 🙂 budge over please @Bubbsie I'll be joining you with a 6.3 x
Morning all. 5.9 for me today. Evening ratios in a state of flux. Up to 10 before bed after 1:16 fir my tea. A top up to make it 1:12 and all good in the end. Have a good weekend everyone.
11.5 this morning and 3.1 yesterday morning. However overall my levels have been improving as I've been using meditation and relaxation exercises to reduce my stress levels.
Might just take a leaf out of your book, AJ - my best friend's been hinting for years how useful meditation can be. Good for you.🙂

Morning all.🙂 A pesky 12.5 here, grrr.

Have a good weekend, ev1. 😛 I'm off to the reno house for some P n D (painting and decorating) - hopefully there'll be some R n R too! Ciao ciao...😎
Thank you Bloden 🙂 The meditation has made a world of difference to me. I feel so much better than I had done.
A silly, irksome 7.6 for me this morning. A reminder, in case I'd forgotten, that I'm diabetic and the excess carbs yesterday need to be punished! 😱
A silly, irksome 7.6 for me this morning. A reminder, in case I'd forgotten, that I'm diabetic and the excess carbs yesterday need to be punished! 😱
Oh dear I'm must have talked that up commenting on your great numbers lately! :( Hope you're soon back down again Amigo.
Morning all! Forgot to post yesterday, that was 6.3. Today is 5.6 after accidentally eating 2 eclairs last night.😱
A silly, irksome 7.6 for me this morning. A reminder, in case I'd forgotten, that I'm diabetic and the excess carbs yesterday need to be punished! 😱
Not massively high Amigo...and at least you know why...shot up to 10.1 the other day...peed off with that...until I had to accept I had eaten an apple tart (small)...a brownie...and a clementine cake... I had made to take into the office on one of my rare visits...purely in the interests of research.
Oh dear I'm must have talked that up commenting on your great numbers lately! :( Hope you're soon back down again Amigo.

I'm to blame Linda and I can usually guarantee bad pain in my joints will push it up anyway. We keep ploughing on and like @Bubbsie says, it only takes an indulgence or two and the diabetes reality bites hard! 😡

I've got a wedding reception tonight and hoping it's not a carb fest!
Have a lovely time Amigo. Hopefully the food will not be too tempting! 🙂
I'm to blame Linda and I can usually guarantee bad pain in my joints will push it up anyway. We keep ploughing on and like @Bubbsie says, it only takes an indulgence or two and the diabetes reality bites hard! 😡

I've got a wedding reception tonight and hoping it's not a carb fest!
Been getting bad joint aches/pains...still doing the walking...numbers been little bit higher than usual...never occurred to me could be the joint pain...what a plonker I can be sometimes!
Bit late posting this as been out all day, but 12.2 for me, but chest infection is almost gone, so hoping to see them come back down now.
Morning! It's a 5.7 from me after a naughty slice of cheesecake last night.😳
Good morning all 5.3 for me this morning .
Hope you all have a nice Sunday .