Group 7-day waking average?

Woohoo I got a 7.8 really pleased with that as it's been high or highish for me of late.
5.8 at 6ish this morning...been for bloods early so pigged out in hospital canteen afterwards because I was 'good' last night. I don't know how my mind works, I really don't. Must get into the D mentality of being sensible all the damned time! 😱

" Who bought the Black Magic chocs?
Me! I bought them for Mum on her birthday. She's always sensible and has the odd one occasionally so I finished them off. Agh. :confused:
I must say Ditto you get really good BG levels considering the naughties you indulge in. It will be interesting to hear your blood results. Are you pre diabetic? Keep on trying 🙂
Hope you are pleasantly surprised! 🙂
Aw, thanks, Northie.🙂 My A1c is still super-glued at 8 % (it has been for a couple of years now), so it's back to the drawing board for me. I'll start Tresiba some time next week, in the Easter school break...let's hope that with a bit of Degludec and determination I can sort myself out.😛
Morning guys, chilly day here had rain during the night :(, and it's a 5.2 for me today 🙂 x
Huge congrats on your 1st HS Kaylz - looks like your controlling your D very well - good for you lass x
A late good afternoon Peeps!
6.5 for me on this dry but not so sunny day!
At 10.45pm last night my bgl dipped to 4.1.
Had a bit of a naughty snack and by the time i retired to my cosy bed my bgl had risen to 5.5.
I must say Ditto you get really good BG levels considering the naughties you indulge in. It will be interesting to hear your blood results. Are you pre diabetic? Keep on trying 🙂
Exactly what I was thinking Linda🙂.
Is it really morning already...a whole six hours 6.1 today.
Morning gang . 5.2 for me . Been extremely low last week as I have been worried about family members
Got a boost yesterday regarding a1c results + cholesterol level also down til 3.8 .
Hope you all have a pleasant stress free day .
Morning all. 6.7 for me on this foggy morning. Think I need to look at my basal again as I was 5.1 at bed time and the Libre graph shows a steady gradual rise over night. On the plus side evening bolus 1:16 with no hypo or spikes. Have a good day all of you.
Morning gang . 5.2 for me . Been extremely low last week as I have been worried about family members
Got a boost yesterday regarding a1c results + cholesterol level also down til 3.8 .
Hope you all have a pleasant stress free day .
Good job James...need some tips on that Cholesterol 'thing'...amazing results.
Morning all, 10.8 for me today.