Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all! A 6.1 this morning after oven cooked fish & chips with mushy peas last night.
Morning all. 6.4 for me today.
Similar story to @Ljc in that Libre showed 2.9 😱 - can you tell it's only got a day left!
Morning guys, chilly day here had rain during the night :(, and it's a 5.2 for me today 🙂 x
It is a 5.7 for me this morning x
Thanks @Greyhound Gal I think it may actually be my first HS haha x
Morning all, a marvelous 11.3 for me today!!! Really hope my appointment goes well on the 5th May.
Morning early risers, yaa-aawn.🙂 6.1 here.😛

Off to see ol' Dr Booty this morning - not holding out much hope of an improvement in my A1c. I need to sit down and work out exactly what I'm doing right / not doing right and take it from there...
Happy Wednesday, ev1.😛
Hope you are pleasantly surprised! 🙂
Good morning 🙂 2.9 for me - own fault I was sensor- less last night due to needing a replacement pump which is coming today. Oh well live and learn - I'm sure I'll do the later at some point in this process o_O

I hope you have a useful appointment Bloden and get somewhere with your long acting insulin saga - I still think of Kookycats 'Lantus - the musical' to the tune of 'Grandma (Lantus) we love you' 😛 the one that got away! 😉

Glad you had a good holiday Stitch and have an appointment, have a happy Wednesday everyone 🙂
Good morning 🙂 2.9 for me - own fault I was sensor- less last night due to needing a replacement pump which is coming today. Oh well live and learn - I'm sure I'll do the later at some point in this process o_O

I hope you have a useful appointment Bloden and get somewhere with your long acting insulin saga - I still think of Kookycats 'Lantus - the musical' to the tune of 'Grandma (Lantus) we love you' 😛 the one that got away! 😉

Glad you had a good holiday Stitch and have an appointment, have a happy Wednesday everyone 🙂
Hope you are feeling OK, sorry to hear you were left sensor-less!
13 for me today, still have this chest infection. Have to say was a little disappointed as it was 9.4 when I went to bed last night, so was hopeful it would be down a bit this morning. That rise is more than if I eat a small amount of paste ironically. Anyway will see how it is when I take my post breakfast reading.
Hope you are feeling OK, sorry to hear you were left sensor-less!

Thanks Alan 🙂 the only 'plus' point of not having hypo awareness is that I don't feel any different before, during or after low blood sugar. I'd happily swap and feel really awful and have some hypo awareness back any day 🙄
Oh no @Grannylorraine hope you manage to get that awful chest infection shifted soon x