Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning Bubbsie - not another sleepless night 😱 poor you - meet your mate - haven't had a wink yet myself 😱 glad you enjoyed your cookie and why not 😛 you need to treat yourself now & again :D you're a hard worker - have another on me with a coffee!!! Going to test now - my reading will be a bit high I reckon with eating 4 rich tea bickies last night!!! x
Morning too (biscuits & insomnia)...I get those periods where sleep proves difficult...just have to wait it more cookies for a while...good to 'break out' yesterday...back to the grindstone today...very best of luck next week...make sure you rest up properly...once that little 'squatter' is evicted.
Happy good morning peeps!

Surprisingly a 6.1 for me today!

Wishing you all a pleasant weekend x
So you got away with it too...good score on the away from the biscuit tin😉.
Morning too (biscuits & insomnia)...I get those periods where sleep proves difficult...just have to wait it more cookies for a while...good to 'break out' yesterday...back to the grindstone today...very best of luck next week...make sure you rest up properly...once that little 'squatter' is evicted.
Thank you Bubbsie and will do 🙂 6 days to go not including today😳 Take care x
Good morning folks. 5.3 🙂
Morning all. 4.4 for me and looks like (according to Mr Libre) I had a hypo at about 5:30am, which is born out by the headache I now have. :(
Been lower than usual for me for the last few days so think I need to look at basal...
Morning all, 6.4, and from the shape of my Libre trace, ( think of a washing line) I think the Dawn phenomenon is firmly established again after the clock change.
Morning guys 🙂 6.0 for me x
Forgot this morning to take my fasting BG so had a cup of coffee with semi skimmed milk and remembered half an hour later to test so it was 6.8 that's the highest for me (4 weeks newbie, supposedly pre-diabetic HBA1c 48 2 weeks later down to 43) could the coffee have affected it at all - anyone know?
Morning...slept badly (again)...awake at 3am...gave up at up...hectic confession time...a large oatmeal & white chocolate cookie consumed just before I a bad'm human...and may decide to throw caution to the wind again in three months time...after the next HbA1c test by eating another🙂...before anyone was delicious.
Nothing bad about you, you have had a challenging week, sleepless nights and ate only one cookie! I hope you can relax this weekend.