Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂 and following my jerk chicken last night with salad but very small piece of birthday cake got 7.4 this morning.

That's not so bad Linda...hope the jerk chicken wasn't too fiery for you! 😱
8.5 today, and seem to have got myself a nice little stomach bug, hooray!
That's not so bad Linda...hope the jerk chicken wasn't too fiery for you! 😱
Thanks Amigo No it was fine. I like spicy food but not sauces and fancy food if you know what I mean! I knew what was on my plate and omitted the apricot chutney and coleslaw!
Happy good afternoon Peeps.
Bgl last night before bed : 5.9

Woke up to:-
6.3 Contour
8.5 Codefree
20 minutes later:-
6.6 Contour
7.7 Codefree

Make head or tail of that!!!
Happy good afternoon Peeps.
Bgl last night before bed : 5.9

Woke up to:-
6.3 Contour
8.5 Codefree
20 minutes later:-
6.6 Contour
7.7 Codefree

Make head or tail of that!!!
That's odd, WL. My Contour is always higher than my Codefree.:confused:
What ever your doing keep it up oh and let me know loll
I actually have no idea lol, if I go to bed on 6.something I've only been dropping .odd during the night, go to bed in the 7's I usually wake in the 5's somewhere, I'm clearly just odd haha, your doing a great job though 🙂 x
I actually have no idea lol, if I go to bed on 6.something I've only been dropping .odd during the night, go to bed in the 7's I usually wake in the 5's somewhere, I'm clearly just odd haha, your doing a great job though 🙂 x

Didnt want to call you odd loll must admit good job i got up at 9 best ever but shaking body i think just not used to it but if i carry on im having a black forest gateaux loll
Didnt want to call you odd loll must admit good job i got up at 9 best ever but shaking body i think just not used to it but if i carry on im having a black forest gateaux loll
Aww hun I wouldn't have minded I've been called much worse haha, how are your day time readings doing, as we said to you before you will stop having these feelings just takes a bit of time and oh gateau can I have some too 🙂 x
5.2 @ 5.55 am yay got some strips off my sister.
Aww hun I wouldn't have minded I've been called much worse haha, how are your day time readings doing, as we said to you before you will stop having these feelings just takes a bit of time and oh gateau can I have some too 🙂 x

You carnt have any you must be a good girl with those figures im sure the shaking will go loll must admit im getting used to the injections a little never thought i would but look at the bright side i shot up in a pub on Saturday evening never done that before loll
You carnt have any you must be a good girl with those figures im sure the shaking will go loll must admit im getting used to the injections a little never thought i would but look at the bright side i shot up in a pub on Saturday evening never done that before loll
I had a peanut butter kit kat chunky and went from the 7's to 6's had a chocolate éclair Monday and 5 hours later was still 6.8 so I CAN have a bit stop being greedy lol, OMG that's what I'm nervous about having to jab in public as there are so many drug abusers in this town i'm worried people see me and think I've become the same haha x
I had a peanut butter kit kat chunky and went from the 7's to 6's had a chocolate éclair Monday and 5 hours later was still 6.8 so I CAN have a bit stop being greedy lol, OMG that's what I'm nervous about having to jab in public as there are so many drug abusers in this town i'm worried people see me and think I've become the same haha x

Oooo i love peanut butter kit kats especially now when i carnt ish, know what you mean was weird there was a bloke nex to me staring at me i said it was insulin he said yer right loll and i didnt want to cry, real man loll